Έξι (6)

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If only we wouldn't have to get kicked in the asses. As Tiana whipped up some thick threading and strings, it was preparing to fight an armed man without any experience. We couldn't figure out what the unsuspecting clothing would do to us.

"There's some weapons on the side for practice," she pointed towards the wall adjacent to her. There was a vast amount laid upon in neat organization. Some were delicately crafted with detailed designs, while others seemed rushed in preparation.

"What will you use?" I asked.

"These." She picked out a sturdy, bronze shield along with a spear-like weapon, only shorter than Milo's. "I'll fight you first, Kayla. Then Puneet."

We examined each and every weapon sitting and facing us. All of the weaponry in their existence called out to me, echoing to hold their handle or base. To choose each and every one. What material would be stronger than bronze?

I spotted a tool similar to that of Tiana's, yet as if it doubled in size. I positioned my glasses to know if I was seeing what I thought. There was not one, but two areas of sharp blades implanted on each side of the spear-like javelin. Walking towards it, the javelin turned into much more than just an ordinary one. It was full steel, including the handle. As I grasped it with determination, I felt a tingling sensation. This was the one. The best one. All of those other twenty or something people probably didn't know any better than to pick this one. I rolled my wrist for the feeling. It seemed more lightweight than I expected. It was perfect for me.

While tapping and playing around with the new weapon, I peered at Puneet, taking her sweet time to choose her own. It seemed that she preferred swords over javelins and spears, though they could be heavy from the added iron or steel. However, they had diverse shapes, either straight or curved. There were even a few wavy ones that somewhat resembled venomous snakes for the tip.

She ended up with an indecisive decision between two practical ones. Both of them were curved, knowing they were more effective against an enemy. One was complete iron, while the other was encased in an odd material that I wasn't able to figure out quickly. She held each by the handle and weighed them by moving her forearms up and down.

"Which one?" I disrupted after she measured them.

She went for the odd one and replied, "This feels like total steel. It might be, but it's easy to hold and slice with."

While discussing about these, Tiana came up with a ready expression. She told, "These ones were reserved  specifically for you two. They are all made from high carbon material, different steel, or iron. Kayla, you have a unique yet efficient javelin, while you," she faced my friend, "have a more traditional and tougher combative on your end."

We nodded and agreed upon the new given facts. If I die by a jab in the stomach, legs or...No. Stop. You won't. They won't. No one died...yet. What if there were dead ones? Where are they? Where where where?! I became aware of my concerned creases on the top of my head, so I tried to restrain from any stress through this.

"Right! I almost forgot. You both need a shield for defense since this is your first time here." We immediately were each handed bronze shields that Tiana picked from the opposite edge of the large room. They were decorated like the encompassing stone circle as the entrance to this mysterious place.


As we were led outside of the stone building (or warehouse since it appeared to store various items inside), everything stayed the same. No one was around, yet the applied heavy rain slowly dissolved into the deep soil below.

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