Δεκατέσσερα (14)

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I chopped off the banana's head as the commotion was dying down. There were a few more patrons that entered in, possibly to avoid tension. There was Orson, Alice, and a few others arriving in the food warehouse. Some were annoyed. Others exasperated. What's going on with Eli?

"They fight a lot. It's been a thing with Hera and Zeus. One of them is obviously in the wrong."

"I can see that," I told her as I swallowed a piece of the banana. "Now there's someone I'm better off with."

"But do you know the myth?" she tilted.

I shook my head nonchalantly. It was rarely talked of about Hera, to whom I was the surprisingly chosen patroness. Marriage? Women? I wasn't prepared for those qualities.

"Well, they argue a lot because of Zeus' infidelities," she leaned closer to my ear, "he has many kids. Countless."

She converted a concerned look. "I haven't talked much with them. Everyone is more comfortable with their gender. Girls with girls. Boys with boys."

We walked to a corner, avoiding the ridiculed looks of everyone else. "Have you asked Milo?"

"No, not really. But Emiliano just does what seems right to him. I mean..."

"Fighting all day, I guess. But Rowan looks like a complete idiot. He's only into himself."

"A complete narcissist. That's visible. Not many of us like him."

I raised an eyebrow. "Just curious, who would agree with him?"

Tiana let out a sigh. "Patrons of Aphrodite and Demeter. I don't understand how, but they somehow had previous connections since the formers for thousands of years." She creased her eyes with caution. "It might be increasing."

"It's a divided state at this point. Two sides."

At that moment, more patrons entered in with varied colors. Eli and Milo were side by side, slowly approaching us while in rising argument.

"You can't keep fighting in that state. There's still the choice by wheel."

"I'm beating that little shit into his place."

Eli leaned against the wall, arms crossed in anger.

"So, you think they might fight Rowan and Julianna?" Tiana turned to ask.

"That all depends on what the gods want," answered Milo. "It's a luck of the draw. Bad enough if you had to fight that friend of yours." He knew about us based on his low tone.

"What's with the second fight? It's the last, or-"

He looked across the room, making sure no one was eavesdropping. He leaned in and whispered, "It's a death match."

"It's a serious one. We're worried," added Tiana, "especially since you just came. You still need to learn your abilities."

I was conceited with bewilderment and interest all at once. "Like- I get powers. As in how you guys shoot webs and lightning and things like that?"

"Yes," they replied simultaneously.

"We better win that day," Eli made sure. "I'm not going against muerto, that's for sure."

"Something happened between...him and you?" I queried.

"They know." He pointed up, referring to the gods above. "He and that other girl will probably fight the rosados. I'm getting Rowan no matter what."

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