My Potato PT1 (Maddie)

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You're sitting there, staring from your seat in the cafeteria. One minute, you're peacefully eating your lunch, but then he walks in. Messy dark blue hair, piercing dark blue eyes, pale skin that glows. He seems so perfect. He's quiet and isn't talkative, he also gets shy. He would understand me.
Every time he looks over at you, you duck your head and go back to the food in front of you. Maybe I shouldn't be eating like this, I'm fat enough. He'd probably find me gross. Too soon, lunch ends, and you have to get back to class.
Quietly, you slip into class, then take your seat, which is in the back of the room. You're just a quirkless chubby girl in the tech support classes as a first year.
If there's one thing you love, it's to invent. Ever since childhood, you've loved the world of heroes. It's so beautiful: saving the world and putting your life on the line for total strangers. Taken for granted, but not caring, because you're just happy to help. You love it. It's just that you don't have any abilities to help you, so instead of being the one on the scene, you've decided to help those who are.
You smile as you tinker with the wires and weird parts in front of you. Most girls get distracted by the guys they like, thinking about whatever guy they like, but you're different. Once you start working, there's nothing else that exists.
Sometimes, if you're feeling a little daring, however, you'll ask for a bathroom pass and watch that blue haired boy through the window. After all, how could you ever talk to him?
There's no way he could ever spare me a second glance. Not unless it's to cringe.
Today, when you're done tinkering, you decide to do the same. You peer into the window, looking at the blue-haired beauty in the back of the class. He's thin but lean. Again, I'm so fat and look at him. Gosh, why do I do this to myself?
When school is out, you start walking in a different direction than usual, wanting to avoid the people. Despite how it looks, you're extremely shy. What you show to people, and what is actually there, is totally different. Whenever people see you, you're smiling and laughing, as if you really are in a great mood. Though, deep down, you're rocking back and forth, trying to calm the building anxiety.
As you walk, you keep thinking about that boy. All year, ever since it started, you've taken quite an interest in him. You saw him in passing and thought he was the most beautiful thing ever. What really grasped your attention most, though, was his ears. Elf ears. You say inwardly, then burst into giggles. Because of your absent-mindedness, you bump into a big figure. Your eyes wander up, and you see a broad shoulder, blonde boy, around seventeen-years-old. You recognize him as the blue haired boy's friend.

Tamaki's friend, Sorry!" He says with a sad smile. "I didn't see you there. You're just... so tiny! It's hard to see you from up here!"

You blink a couple of times: your brain hasn't fully processed his little joke. "You okay there...?"

"Eh? Oh. Yeah! I was... I just kinda spaced out." You laugh awkwardly.
"It's fine. I get it. Tamaki does the same thing!"
"Hm? He do-I mean, who?" Don't give yourself away. He and Nejire are the loud mouths of the Big Three. I can't let Tamaki know my secret.
"Oh! My best friend! You don't know him?"
"Uh.... no. I uh, I don't really pay much attention."
"I can see that! You seem pretty out of it."
"Oh! You should meet him! And Nejire, too! I like to make new friends! And so does Nejire! Do you like to make friends?"
Why is he so loud. totally opposite Tamaki.
"Uh.. Kinda? I don't-I don't, like, seek people out to make friends with them."
"Well, now you can be friends with the Big Three!" Oh, Gosh, no.
"That's okay. You don't have to. I have to get home, like now."
"Well, I'll give you my number then I can add you to the group cha-"
"No! That's fine. I gotta go! Catch ya later!"
You run off, not willing to meet Tamaki yet. I know he's a senior and there's not much time left, but I'm just not ready yet. It's too overwhelming.
The next day, at lunch, you're eating peacefully by yourself. Once again, your so-called "friends" ditched you for the cute guys in class 1-A. The next thing you know, someone is gripping your arm, pulling you along. At first, you're too stunned to understand what's going on, then you're in a seat, next to him. Across from you is Mirio and Nejire, who are sitting beside each other. You stiffen. This can't be happening! I don't wanna sit next to you! I don't even want you to know I exist!
"This is Nejire!" Mirio says while gesturing to her. "And this is Tamaki!" He points to the blue-haired boy. "These are the people I was telling you about yesterday"
"Oh!" You say, feigning enthusiasm. "How nice. Lovely to meet you guys." Why me?
"Hi!" Nejire exclaims. "Mirio, what's her name??"
"It's actually... I don't know. She ran off before I could ask. What's your name, tiny one?" She cringes at the nickname
"Y/n l/n."
'Well y/n! Lovely to meet you! Tamaki! Won't you say anything?" She stares at him, and you just glance at him before going back to the table, picking at the skin on your leg.
'Hello, potato -" he stops after the word "potato." Your face turns bright red. Was that an insult? Your heart sinks. "I- I- I-"
He gets up and runs out of the cafeteria, leaving you there, heartbroken. Was that a way of calling me fat? You clear your throat as they stare at you worriedly.
"I need to use the restroom." You say.
"Tamaki didn't mean it that way ." Mirio tries explaining.
"It has nothing to do with that." You say quickly, cutting him off. Why would the opinion of a person l've never met before matter to me? I don't even know him."
SIowly, you get up and go to the bathroom. When you enter the stall, you burst into tears. I freaking hate myself! Why do I have to look like this?! He probably just thinks I'm an ugly, fat, loser.
Your last class, as always, is in your little workshop. On your usual desk, it sits a small piece of paper. You pick it up, and read it. I'm sorry I called you a potato. I didn't mean it offensively. I struggle to talk to people, so in my head, I try to imagine them as potatoes to make it easier. I blurted it out by accident. I'm really, really sorry. I hope this makes up for it inside of
your desk, you find a small container of takoyaki balls and some little truffles in it too.
Despite what he said before, you can easily forgive him. He's just so sweet. He went through the trouble of writing an apology, and even buying a gift to make up for it. The problem, however, lies in the fact that you know you' re only going to become more obsessed with him because of this.
School life continues differently than ever before. Mirio and Nejire constantly drag you to sit with them and always sit you beside Tamaki. It leads you to wonder if they've discovered your feelings for him. Usually, he's quiet, and if he says anything, it's because someone spoke to him directly.
Whenever he speaks, your heart practically melts. His voice is so deep, yet smooth at the same time. It's soothing, and you feel that you could listen to it all day. You begin praying that Nejire and Mirio force him into the conversation.
One day, he says something directly to you, taking you by surprise
"D- d- do you like-do you like ch- ch- chocolates?"
"Eh? Yeah! I- I really like the ones you left for me that one time. They're actually my favorite."
"A- are they really?" For once, he seems interested.
"What chocolates?" Nejire asks, getting really hyper already.
"W-when he called me a potato, he left them as an apology gift."
"Look at our Tamaki!" Mirio exclaims. "You're so sweet to her!" His face breaks out into a blush.
"I was rude."
The rest of the meal is them teasing Tamaki, saying vague things that sound like they're teasing him over a crush, though you can't really say for sure. Then again, what is there to question? There's no way he could like a fatty like you.
A month after this, you're walking around the streets, and it's getting late. You should probably go home. Once again, you're spaced out, thinking about Tamaki. This time, his deep voice. The next thing you know, you've bumped into someone. When you look up, you see someone you would have never expected to see on the streets
"F- Fatgum?!?!" You're shocked. He's your favorite hero. While most people love All Might, you just can't help but love Fatgum. He's just so cool.
"Hey there! Are you a fan?"
"Uh-yeah! Yeah, actually!"
"It's nice to meet you. But... why didn't you notice me before?"
"I was a little spaced out."
"She spaces out quite often." You stop. You know that voice. From behind Fatgum, Tamaki appears, wearing his hero costume. Oh my gosh he looks so hot.
"Oh? You know each other?" Fatgum asks,
"She goes to UA, too. Tech support group." His face is red, and his voice is anxious.
"Cute! Here, kid, give me your number. I have an idea." The older man seems to be able to pick up on things quickly. He can already tell about your little crush on Tamaki, just by looking at your eyes, which are fixed on Tamaki.
You do as Fatgum says, and then say that you need to leave. Quickly, Fatgum volunteers to walk you home with Tamaki.
I can't say no to Fatgum but I really don't want Tamaki around like this it's already hard enough.
Tamaki is changing into his normal clothes before going home, and Fatgum barges into the room. He sees a shirtless Tamaki is standing there, about to pick up a shirt to put on. Fatgum blinks a couple of times, pulls out his phone, snaps a picture or two, then walks out. Tamaki couldn't even react to cover himself, having been paralyzed by shock. His face is bright red,
but then he realizes Fatgum took his picture.
"Please," Tamaki begs. "Delete those."
"I already did."
"Oh, thank God."
"After sending them to y/n."
Your phone dings, so you pick it up. It's from Fatgum: he sent you an image. When you open it, you blink several times, not believing that it's real. Finally, you come back to your senses and read the text he sent with it.
Fatgum: I know about your little crush on Tamaki. I thought maybe you would appreciate it.
You: Thanks. Don't tell him.
Fatgum: Np
Every time you see Tamaki, you just can't forget the picture Fatgum sent you. He's just, you don't even know how to describe him. While you imagined him to be well built, you never expected that.
Then one day, Mirio and Nejire pull you aside. Tamaki isn't with them, and it disappoints you slightly. Though, what really bothers you is that they seem serious.
"Is everything okay?" You ask.
"I'm gonna say it bluntly." Mirio says. "Will you go on a date with Tamaki?" Your face falls.
"W- what?"
"Tamaki has wanted to ask you a while," Nejire says. "But has been too scared to. If you don't want to, please don't act any differently than before! He doesn't know we're doing this! But, if you do, you'll have to ask him out yourself. He won't ever get the courage to ask you out himself."
"W- what? l- don't-I don't understand."
"Tamaki likes you." Mirio says. "We think you like Tamaki. So Tamaki + y/n = happy.
"Er... thanks for telling me. I'll mull it over."
You just leave, not knowing what else to say. At home, you think it over several times. Does he really like you? Or are Nejire and Mirio getting nosey and just want to ship? You get an idea.
You: Hey, does Amajiki Senpai like me?
Fatgum: Yes.
You: Since when??
Fatgum: Since always.
You: Oh. Thanks.
Fatgum: Np. Are you thinking about confessing?
You: Yes.
Fatgum: Well, he'll definitely accept you.
You get the idea to make him something. You're aware that he likes takoyaki, so it only seems proper that you'd make that for him. You dash into the kitchen and start cooking. When putting the mayonnaise and other seasonings, you decorate it cutely. When done, you put it into a little pastel purple and white box and tie a golden ribbon around it into a bow. You smile at the finished product.
You show up at school early and leave a note on his desk saying to meet you on the rooftop of the school once all the classes of the day are over. You're gonna do this. You're gonna tell him how you feel.
When he gets there after school, you begin shaking. While you've gotten confirmation that he likes you back, it's still terrifying. When he notices your fear, it rubs off onto him, so now you're both shaking.
"Please, accept my feelings!" You say quickly, then hold out the box of takoyaki to him.
You're in a bowing position, and your head is trained on the the ground. When you don't notice him taking the box, you look up. His head is against the wall, and his hand is out, trying to gesture that he wants the box. You go over to him and place it in his hands. When you do, he hugs it against himself, whimpering.
"D- does this mean you're accepting me?" You ask.
"So can we be boyfriend and girlfriend now?"
"Is there anything to wanna say?"
"Can I stand next to you?"
"Mhm." You stand next to him, also placing your forehead against the wall.
"By the way Fatgum sent me a picture you have some nice abs."
He screams and falls onto the ground, paralyzed.

My hero academia oneshots PT1Where stories live. Discover now