The Cousin PT2 (Ghost)

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You were getting ready for your date with Tsunagu Hakamada aka Best Jeanist. You were excited and nervous. You haven't been on a date in a real long time. You just hope it goes well because this was Katsuki's mentor.

You hear Mitsuki yell for you, so you head downstairs. You find a Jeanist in the living room with an angry and confused Katsuki and a happy Mitsuki. Masaru is no where to be found. He's probably hiding which is in his best interest. You roll your eyes as you finish descending the stairs.

Katsuki yells at you, "You have a date with Best Jeanist? Why didn't you tell me?"

You smile, "Well, I haven't seen much of you lately. You've been so busy, and I was just asked this morning."

Katsuki was fuming. Jeanist was trying to calm the situation and Mitsuki was just smacking him and telling him to be supportive.

You yell to catch everyone's attention, "ENOUGH!"

Everyone freezes and turns their attention to you.

Jeanist looks back at Katsuki, "We met earlier. I promised to leave your hair alone if she would accompany me to dinner tonight. I think that is a fair trade so calm yourself Bakugo."


Jeanist blinks, "I don't intend to. I assure you my attentions are admirable."

Mitsuki grabs Katsuki's ear and starts dragging him away while he's kicking and screaming. You are standing there a red mess. You so embarrassed at this point. Jeanist holds out his arm and waits for you to take it.

You shake yourself off and loop your arm into his and let him lead you outside. He is a perfect gentleman the whole date. He opened doors, pulled out chairs, and always had his arm out for you to hold.

The conversation flowed nicely, and it was a wonderful date. When he brought you home, he walked you to your door. He gave you a kiss on the cheek and left. You enjoyed the date, but you weren't sure if he did. The kiss on the cheek left you a bit confused. Why wasn't it on the lips? You would have been all for it.

You shrugged it off and went inside to find a pouting Katuski on the couch. He saw you come in but didn't say a word. He just stomped off to his room. You shake you head and just go to bed because you didn't want to let any negative thoughts affect your sleep.

The next day you wake up to a text message from Jeanist.

Jeanist: Good morning. I had a wonderful time last night. Shall we do it again?

Y/N: That would be nice. When?

Jeanist: Today for lunch. I'll pick you up at noon.

Y/N: Sounds great.

You smile and check the time. It was 9 am. That gives you a little bit of time to get ready. Since it was a lunch date you went with nice casual. You went down stair and sit in the living room waiting for your date. Everyone else was out of the house.

Jeanist arrived and you had another great date. This time, when he walked you to the door, he asked you to be his girlfriend and kissed you on the lips. That kiss was seen by Katsuki who was walking up the sidewalk to his house with Kirishima. Both boys were stunned at the sight before them.

You and Jeanist become a strong couple, much to Katsuki's dislike. But true to his word, Jeanist treats you extremely well.

Weeks later, Katsuki returned to normal classes still sulking over the fact that his cousin is dating his mentor.

Kirishima asks, "Hey Bakubro, you still upset about the whole cousin thing?"

Katsuki growls, "Shut up and mind your business Sh***y hair before I blow you up!"

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