Reaction to wearing their merch (Maddie)

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You're walking around a store, bored. Once again, your boyfriend is too busy, going out on patrol. It's sad, but what can you do? Regardless, you're proud of him, and will always support him. While in the store, you graze around the hoodie section. What catches your eye is the Suneater one. It is made to resemble his hero costume. It's just too cute. You giggle, and pick it up. I love this and Amajki will be so flustered.
You buy it, and when you get home, you change into it with a pair of leggings. It's so warm, and the inside is soft. It's already your favorite hoodie. There's a knock on your door, so you get up to see who it is. When you open the door, you find your boyfriend, who's still in costume. You're matching. A smile spreads across your face, but his eyes drift to the hoodie you're wearing. Red spreads across his face quickly, and you just smile.
"Why are you blushing so much?" You ask him, already knowing the answer.
"Is that... a Suneater hoodie?" You nod.
"Yeah. I saw it at the store today."
"And you actually b- bought it?"
"Of course I did. I've gotta support my boyfriend, right?"
"B- b- b- but isn't this a little-a little extreme?" You shake your head.
"I like it. If not for who it represents, because it's crazy comfy. It's so soft and warm."
"This is awkward."
"You know you like it. Now the whole world can see who my favorite hero is." His blushes goes even deeper.
"Gah...I wanna...go home!" He hides his face in his hood, and you frown.
"You don't wanna spend time with me?" He grabs you.
"No. I'm gonna take you with me."

You're passed out on your boyfriend's couch. He suddenly had to leave because he was called out for a mission. You promised to wait for him to get back, but you're so tired you fell asleep. It's so cold that you wake up, and so you look through your bag. You just bought a hoodie earlier today, so you'll just put that on. It's a Red Riot themed one. It's red with a stone print all over it, and says "RED RIOT" across the front.
Soon, you fall asleep again. You're passed out for awhile before the front door opens. It jolts you awake, so you get up and find that right there is your boyfriend-Red Riot himself. You smile, and hug him, who's still in costume. When you pull back, he raises an eyebrow at you.
" that a Red Riot hoodie?"
"Yeah." You say groggily.
"Where'd you even get it?"
"A store."
"Okay. Why'd you get it?"
"Because my boyfriend is Red Riot, and I wanna show support."
"Oh. You look so cute."
"I'm sorry I was gone so long, you must be tired, Höseki." He picks you up, and carries you down to his room. "How about we just cuddle for the rest of the night?" You rest your head on his chest.
"Sounds good to me"

There's a knock on your door, and upon opening if, you find your annoying boyfriend. You forgot what you had been wearing. Which is an oversized Chargebolt hoodie with shorts. You've had it a long time, but your boyfriend, Chargebolt himself doesn't know that. You try to hide it from him, because you're unwilling to admit how much you actually love him.
When you open the door, he smiles. Slowly, his eyes drift to your hoodie, but your brain doesn't comprehend anything yet.
A little smirk spreads across his face.
"Is that a Chargebolt hoodie?" His voice is smug. You look down, and see that it is.
"Mhm. What of it?" Still, you're too out of it to think of a way out of it.
"Awww. You're wearing my merch. Are you my biggest fan?"
"Sure." You hug him. "Sleepy. Come cuddle."
"Sounds good to me, babe."
He picks you up, and carries you down to your room. Then, you both get in and cuddle close to each other. In the morning, he's smirking at you, still amused by you in his merch.
What are you smirking at?" You sit up, and realize what you're wearing. Your face turns bright red.
"Good morning, Cutie. Nice hoodie. Where'd you get it?"
"I have no idea. Someone must've tricked me. I've never seen this ugly thing in my life."
"Uh huh. Last night you said you're my biggest fan."
"Exhaustion took over and had me saying nonsense."
"Yeah okay, Chargebolt's #1 fan."
"Sh-shut up."

You're in your kitchen, making breakfast. All your wearing is an oversized hoodie with Lord Explosion Murder God Dynamite's colors and his grenades all over it. It's become your favorite piece in your closet. It's warm, comfortable, and the best quality hoodie you own. You saw it, then bought it since it is your boyfriend's merchandise.
You jump when two arms wrap around you, and a chin rests on your shoulder.
"Is that my merch your wearing, teddy bear?" Your face goes red.
"Really? Then why are these colors so familiar? And these grenades, too?"
"I don't know. Maybe you're just a narcissist."
"As if. It seems you're becoming more and more in love with me by the day."
"Yeah, okay."
"It's cute, you know I like this."
"Whatever. When did you even get here? And who said you could come in?"
"I have a key, and it was just a few minutes ago."
"The key is for emergencies only."
"There is an emergency."
"Oh really? What's the emergency?"
"I wanted to cuddle but I didn't know you'd be wearing my merch, teddy bear."
"Shut up."

He's ready to cry. He just wanted to give you a present, so he came to your house, and when you opened the door you were wearing a Deku t-shirt. It's big, its cute, and it's his merchandise. How is it you look do cute in it? And what brought you to wear it like that?"
"You okay?" You ask.
"Y-yeah..I just.just.can't believe you're wearing my merch.." he sniffs, and you hug him.
"Of course I am. I have to support my famous boyfriend."
"Y/n  you're so sweet." he holds you tightly. "Nobody has ever made me felt more loved than you have."
"You literally have the largest fan base of all the pros."
"Get in here and watch a movie." You kiss his cheek, then drag him into the living room.

You're out and about, doing nothing exciting. That's when your boyfriend calls you. He asks if you want to come to his workplace if you're bored. Quickly, you agree. You're actually wearing an Eraserhead hoodie right now, and he is, well, Eraserhead.
When you walk into his office, you take a seat in a chair in front of him. He looks at you, and his eyes drift to your hoodie.
He grunts at it. Oh my gosh he thinks to himself. I've never seen Kitten so cute. Still he doesn't show his thoughts on the outside. You find yourself pouting over this. Why can't he ever show some emotion? An idea pops into your head.
"Do you like my hoodie?" You ask. He just grunts again. "Fine then. I'll just go buy a Present Mic hoodie and be his girlfriend because he would actually care."
You get up and turn the doorknob but before you can open the door, something wraps around you tightly. It's a scarf, and it pulls you back into two arms. Aizawa buries his face into your neck.
"You'll do what, Kitten?"
"Go see Present Mic. He would actually care about me." You try to break free from his arms, but it's no use. He's too strong, and you're too weak.
"And why would you do that? You're cuter in my hoodie than you ever could be in his and you look better with me, too."
"Really? Then why were you just grunting earlier?"
"You know I'm not expressive. Now stay here, or do I have to tie you up with my scarf." Your face turns red.
"I'll stay."
"That's my kitty." He kisses your cheek.

You've found a Mockingbird hoodie, and you're beyond excited. It's rare, you never see his merch since he isn't as popular and you just have to buy it. You need to show your boyfriend how loved he is. It's purple, and "MOCKINGBIRD" is written across the front, with his mask on it. It's beautiful.
After buying it, you put it on and go to his house to see him. When he opens the door, and he doesn't look at your hoodie.
He just kisses your cheek and lets you in. You're on the couch, talking for awhile. Finally, he stops mid-sentence.
"Is that a Mockingbird hoodie?" He asks, squinting his eyes to make sure he sees it properly.
"So you finally noticed?"
"Where'd you find that? I didn't know I had merch."
"I came across it in the store. You like it?"
"It's nice but what made you want to buy it?"
"I wanted to support you! It's rare I ever see your merch, so I had to get it. You need to see that you're loved, too." He doesn't say anything, just pulls you into a hug. He buries his face into your shoulder.
"I'm so lucky to have you. I can't believe you care about me so much that you never once doubted me, even when everyone else told you otherwise." You rub his back.
"I'll always be there, Shinsou. I always have been, and that won't change anytime soon."
"I love you, Kitten."
"I love you, too.

You're curled up on your couch, feeling exhausted, but not having the energy to go to your room. You don't hear the door open, or the approaching steps of someone. You finally notice the presence of another person when a face appears in front of you. You look at the scarred man, and smile.
"Hey, Sho." You say.
"What're you doing here?"
"Couldn't sleep."
"Again?" He nods.
"Can I spend the night here?"
"Yeah, that's fine." You sit up, ready to go to your room. He stares at your torso. You look down, and see the Shoto hoodie you're wearing. A sheepish look spreads across your face.
"Why are you wearing my merch?"
"To be supportive? Plus it's super cool."
"But why have merch when you have the real me?"
"Because I can't wear you. And you can't keep me warm in the dead of winter."
"Wanna bet?"
You're in Todoroki's arms, on his left side. He uses his quirk to keep it warm, and you're no longer shivering.
"Warm now? In the dead of winter?*
"Point proven."

You're in a 5X hoodie, walking around the streets. It's the same color as Fatgum's costume, and says ALL ABOARD THE FAT TAXI. It's become your favorite hoodie you own. It's big and baggy, warm, and you love who it represents. No, you're in love with who it represents.

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