Sleep Talking (Maddie)

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You're at a ramen shop with your boyfriend. Again. Of course, they only sell spicy ramen, and this is his favorite place to go because of that. The problem is that you just can't tolerate spice, but you don't have the heart to tell him. More than likely, if he finds out, he won't come here as often. You know that as a fact. He may not seem like it, but he'd do anything for you. So, you just suck it up for him.
As you're eating, you're fighting the urge to cry. Its just too spicy. And the sad part is, this is the mildest kind they have.
He eats the hottest kind, and doesn't even get a drink of water throughout it. You make eye contact for a moment.
"You wanna come to my place after this?" He asks. You smile a bit.
"Sure. Your mom is there, right?"
"Yeah. That psycho is there."
"Hey! I like your mom! She's so nice!"
"Since when?"
"Since always."
"You're as psycho as her."
"Hey!" You fling a noodle at him, and it sticks in his hair. You laugh a bit and he just glares.
"That's it.'" He stands up and goes over to your chair, and you hide behind your hands.
"No! I'm sorry!" You plead jokingly, though you still laugh. He picks you up anyway.
"We're in public! Cut it out!"
"Make me."
He pays the bill with you still over his shoulder. You pout as he carries you home. This is humiliating. He does this all of the time. It's ridiculous. He's such a child. When you get to his  house, he puts you down to unlock the door. Sure enough, his mom is home, and she smiles as she sees you.
"Hey there, Y/n." She greets you, and Bakugou is trying not to glare. She's always been so nice to you.
"Hey, Mrs. Bakugou."
"You hungry? I can get you something to eat."
"Uhh...yeah. I'lI have a snack." Bakugou himself raises an eyebrow.
"You literally just ate." You stick your tongue out at him.
For the first time, you see his room. A laugh escapes you. He has an ALL MIGHT poster on the wall, and a few figurines here and there. It's cute.
"What're you laughing at?"
"This is cute. An All Might fan, huh?"
"So what if l am? Shut up or I'll blow you up."
"No you won't. You wouldn't dare hurt me."
You giggle, that is, until he traps you for cuddle time. Not this time. You're escaping. You run out of his room, and his mom is in the living room. Perfect. That'll save you. He won't dare do anything stupid with her present. You explain that you need to get home or else your parents will get upset, so she sees you out the door, meanwhile Bakugou pouts in his room.
How could you? That was just wrong.
It doesn't take long until you have to move into the dorms. As you're going inside, you see a friend. A huge smile spreads across your face, and you run up to him to hug him. You throw your arms around him, and he hugs you back bashfully.
"GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HER, YOU DANG NERD!!!" Bakugou screams, making his way over to you and Midoriya.
"B- b-b-" Midoriya begins stuttering out.
"Bakugou." You say. "Leave him alone. He didn't do anything. I hugged him first."
"No. He is not. Calm down."
"If you leave him be, I'll crash in your dorm room and we will cuddle for the night."
"Fine." He grumbles out and then leaves, but not before stealing your suitcase. He doesn't like the idea of you carrying heavy objects.
True to your word, you spend the night cuddling with him. Of course, he's still slightly pouty over you being so close to Midoriya. How dare you? Don't you know that you're his? It's unfair.
He passes out, holding you tightly. Awhile ago, you discovered that he occasionally talks in his sleep. Tonight is one of the nights that it's extra bad. You roll your eyes. It'll be another long night.
"Don't touch her." He mumbles in his sleep. "She's my teddy... you dang nerd...I'LL BLOW YOU UP!!" You giggle a bit.
This is hilarious. "You can't have her... I know she's really pretty... and the best in the world... but you just can't have her. Mine. My teddy..." Now, you're blushing just a little. Even in his sleep, he's possessive.
Morning comes, and as always, you're the first to wake up. He's still holding on tightly, and you don't dare move and wake him up. He's rather grumpy first thing in the morning. After about an hour, he begins waking up.
"Good morning, sunshine." You say sarcastically.
"G'mornin'." He mumbles out.
"You were talking in your sleep. Again."
"I DO NOT TALKIN MY SLEEP!!" He shoots up, and you just giggle.
"But you do, though. Last night you were begging Midoriya not to steal me from you, even though I'm really pretty and the best in the world."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"I'm not going anywhere, you know. You're the one that I like. Midoriya is just my friend."
"Guys and girls can't be just friends and be that close."
"You're being dramatic. We're just really close friends And that's only because he was super nice when I first came to UA. Unlike somebody else, who was always yelling." He turns his head away from you, though you see that his blush has spread all the way to his ears.
"Oh whatever." You turns his head toward you, then kiss his cheek.
"Love you, hothead.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah."
"And you've gotta work on that sleep talking. I refuse to crash in your dorm room if you're gonna talk all night."
"Then stop talking in your sleep."
"l figure it out."
"Thank you."

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