The Villain (Ghost)

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You were a small-time villain. Your quirk was speed. You were extremely fast that it helped you with your villainous acts. It was just robbery. That was the only thing you did. You were once approached by the League of Villains. They wanted you to join. You politely refused. You had a hard boundary against murder. You just liked taking things that didn't belong to you.

One day, you were out getting ready to go to a festival. They were your favorite because there are a lot of people. You stopped in your tracks before you could approach. You saw some heroes. Of course, there would be heroes at this. Why didn't you think about that?

You just shrugged. You will just have too not been as bold as you usually were. You walked around looking for good targets when a man with blonde hair and a loud voice came up to.

He smiled widely, "Hey there, pretty listener. Are you all alone?"

You step back, "Uh...Yeah. What's it to you?"


"If l agrees, you promise not to yell again?"

"Sorry. Yes. Let's go. My name is Hizashi Yamada. Hero name Present Mic. Just call me, Mic. What's your name?"


"Such a pretty name. Are you enjoying the festival?"

"Yeah sure."

You were trying to figure out how to lose this guy, but he just kept to you like glue. It started to get dark, and you were just mentally exhausted.

You looked at him, "Uh...It's been fun, but I'm heading home."

"Can I walk you?"

"No. I'm good, thanks."
"Can I get your number? Maybe we can have dinner."

You put your number on his phone and left. He was hot but so tired to be around. The worst part is that you didn't get to steal anything.

It's a few months later, and you are out doing your thing. You have been texting with Mic. You come to learn you actually enjoyed talking with him when he wasn't getting in the way.

You decided to steal today. You were walking with your head down and hood up. You found a mark, and as you were moving fast to snatch the purse, a loud shout knocked you off balance. You look up to find Mic. Oh no. He's going to find out what you really do.

You got up and went to run, but he yelled again, and that knocked you over yet again. Before you can get back up, you were wrapped up in a scarf. This can't be happening.

The heroes come up to and take off your hood.

Mic shouts, "Y/N! YOU'RE A VILLAIN."

You look down and nod. He gets angry. Which isn't something normal for the loud blond.


You start to cry a little, "No. I actually like you. But this is my life. I'm not good for anything else."

Eraserhead just watched the two interact. He felt bad for his friend. He knows Mic really likes you because all he talks about is you.

Mic walks away heartbroken. He wouldn't even look at you. You were also heartbroken and a sobbing mess. There was no way of fixing this.

Eraserhead spoke up, "If you feel strongly for him, maybe go into rehabilitation and turn your life around."

You nod in determination. It took a year. You went into a program that Eraserhead helped you get into. He helped because he wanted his friend to be happy. Even if he refuses to admit it. He never told Mic about you going into the program.

You did a complete 180 and have become a hero. You were detaining a villain one day, and Mic came onto the scene. He watched you defeat the villain and hand him over to the police. He walked up to you.

He asked, "Did you just fight a villain?"

You looked down, "Yes. I'm now a hero. I got rehabilitated and now use my quirk for good."

"Really? Why?"

"Because a guy I liked was heartbroken, and I didn't like making him feel that way."

"Are you talking about me?"

You just nod. You couldn't look up. You were too afraid to see if he still had the hurt look like he did last time. The next thing you know, you were engulfed into a hug.

Mic cries, "I've missed you. Please be my special listener."

You cry as well, "If you're sure. I would love to."

You, too, became a happy hero couple.

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