The Girlfriend (Ghost)

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Aizawa was teaching his class 1-A at UA when all of a sudden the classroom door bursts open. The whole class look at the door to find you standing there smiling. You walk in all giddy with your tail wagging. Your quirk is cat. You have ears, tail, and cat like reflexes.
The whole class is wondering who you are when the see you pounce on Aizawa.
You hug him, "My love, I came to see you teach."
The whole class gasp.
Aizawa sighs, " Class, this is my girlfriend Y/N."
The whole lass gasp again. They were shocked their grumpy teacher had a girlfriend.
You look at the class and smiled. The you bound over to a certain angry ash blonde.
You squish his cheeks, " Aren't you the cutest angry look Pomeranian. "
Aizawa glares, "No Bakugou. You will not kill my kitten."
You giggle and skipped to the back of the classroom. You watch Aizawa teach the class. During the time the students kept sneaking glances at you which you would smile and thumbs up them.
After lunch, the class came back to you and Aizawa cuddling in his yellow sleeping bag. He told the class to just study for rest of day.

It has now been a month and  you have visited the class at least once a week. Principal Nezu approached you and asked if you would like to be an assistant which you of course agreed.  You enjoyed the work and bonus, you get to see your love everyday.

After several months  of doing this, one day you walked into the classroom and no one was there.  It was weird.  You started looking all over the school for everyone.  You made it to the training grounds and there was all the students lined up from the entrance to a certain spot were Aizawa was standing.  He was on one knee holding out a ring.  You ran to him and tackled him to the ground screaming yes.

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