Stove (Maddie)

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You're new to the League of Villains, and they know nothing about you. You wear a baggy, all black suit, and a mask over your face, much like Mr. Compress. You don't have a quirk, but instead use two swords. You're here for refuge. You've lost everything to the heroes, and now you have nothing left. This is the only place left for you. You tried for so long to pick yourself up and move on, but you just can't: it's impossible.
You don't speak. You don't do anything. If there's nothing to be done, you just hide away in your room. There's a huge scar down your face, and you don't want them to know you're some random girl of the streets. If they know, they'll probably just kick you right out. You don't seem very useful.
Shigaraki assigns you to work with Dabi, and you don't mind. He's usually very quiet, and as long as you do your work right, he just leaves you be. As you walk, he gives basic information, but that's it, it's nice.
You end up in a huge fight. It's awful. You get a huge gash in your side, and your mask ends up broken but that's not what concerns you right now. The enemy is about to attack Dabi. You rush in to protect him, and get hit in the back. That's when you loose consciousness.
You wake up to something wet touching your side. Forcefully, you open your eyes. Dabi is there, cleaning your wound with a wet cloth. Gritting your teeth, you make yourself sit up. He raises an eyebrow.
"What do you think you're doing? You're too injured to be trying to sit up."
"I'm fine. And I can handle my own wounds."
"Don't bother. I've got it."
"Shut up, little girl."
"Don't call me that. I am Y/n L/n, murderer of heroes destined to kill-"
"Yeah yeah, whatever. Save it for somebody to cares."
"I will not accept this. I can handle myself. I'm going to kill Endeavor, and make the League-"
"Endeavor, huh? What for? You got a grudge?"
"None of your business."
"We have time. Just tell me."
"Why should I?"
"Because killing Endeavor is my goal, alright?"
"Fine. He destroyed my family. I was eight, and there was a villain attack. He showed up, and destroyed more than he saved. My house caught on fire, and I lost everything. He wouldn't compensate anything. I was on my own, on the streets, with no one to help me." He grunts.
"Fun times. Regardless, I'll be killing him."
"Yeah, right."
"Whatever. Just let me tend to your wounds."
After awhile, you're all bandaged up. You both camp out, and sleep in the middle of nowhere. It's not the first time for either of you, so it's not a problem.
By the next day, you're able to walk around. You don't tell Dabi, but you're in more pain than ever. You just don't like seeming weak.
"I'm hungry." You mutter.
"Then find something to eat. I'm sure there's something edible somewhere."
"No. I want real food for breakfast."
"How's it feel to want?"
"Eggs sound good. And pancakes. Too bad we don't have a stove."
"Mhm." An idea pops into your head.
"Wait here. I'm going to the store. Clean yourself somehow. I have an idea."
Before he can say anything, you're running off. You come back with milk, eggs, pancake mix, cheese, butter, syrup bowls, plates, silverware, and a spatula. You look at him with a cheeky grin.
"What are you planning? You can't cook that without a stove, you idiot."
"You're right. And we have a living stove right here."
"I can't believe you're doing this." He says as you cook eggs on his stomach, right over his abdomen.
"Why not? It's genius."
"It is ridiculous."
"Then why are you letting me do this?"
"Because it's been forever since I've had decent food, that's why."
"Just admit it. I am a genius."
"Gosh. You take off that dang mask and you're annoying as crap." You shrug.
"I thought you guys wouldn't want some little girl off the streets. At least, Toga has a quirk. I had to force myself to learn to fight without all that, and I thought I'd get kicked out. But you now know my secret, so no point in hiding it from you. Just don't tell the others."
"They won't care. They're willing to accept just about anyone who's useful." You shake your head.
"Still. It's a reputation thing. Please."
"You're asking so much. You owe me big time, you know that? I've never had people cook on me." You giggle.
"It's convenient." You flip the pancake, and see that it has his abs indented on it. "This is the weirdest pancake ever." 

He looks down, and chuckles a bit.
"I never thought I'd eat something in the shape of my abs."
"I never thought I'd see abs. Guys in my hometowns are... bleh." You gag at him.
"Well, now you've seen someone who's very hot without a shirt. And you even made breakfast on him."
"Best experience with a guy ever."
The more time you spend together, the more Dabi realizes you're special. He doesn't know why, but he always wants to be around you, and makes excuses for it. Whenever you're in danger, he gets angry, and his first instinct is to protect you.
When you're injured, he's ready to kill. It's strange, and he's never felt this way before. What is it?
"Maybe you like her?" Twice suggests, after overhearing Dabi ranting to himself about it aloud.
"Where did you even come from, freak?"
"I'm choosing to ignore your insult."
"Whatever. And I do not like her."
"Then what else could it be? Disgust? No! He's in love! As if! That's gross!" He starts arguing with himself again, and Dabi rolls his eyes.
"I most definitely don't like her. I don't like anyone."
"Fine. You don't like her. You're in love!"
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"Why would I like her? She's a total weirdo!"
"Who is she anyway?"
"Y/n is a girl?!?!"
"Well I am certain you like her. Just accept it."
"No. I don't."
"Then I guess you'll loose her. This always happens. You're convinced you don't like her, and then regret loosing her."
"As if."
Dabi is itching. He wants you. No. He needs you. He doesn't know why. He just does. Whenever he looks at you, he just wants to grab you and keep you with him forever. To keep you away from everyone else, only seeing him. He wants to own you. He just needs you. That's all there is to it.
He decides that you still owe him anyway. You can just repay him with yourself. No big deal.
He barges into your room, and finds you sitting there with earbuds in. You're unmasked, and just look up at him confusedly. He walks over to you, drags you up out of bed, then slams his lips onto yours. You're just surprised, and stand there without moving, paralyzed in shock. When he pulls back, there's a smirk on his face.
"I've decided that you're mine now." He says, and you just furrow your brows.
"What? I don't even know what's going on. And why would I be yours?"
"You owe me. A lot, too. It's best if you just repay me with yourself. It's only fair."
"Myself? If I'Il be yours, then I'll be your what?"
"Girlfriend you idiot." Your eyes get wide.
" me?"
"No. I just want you." You smile a bit.
"I like you, too, stove."
"Don't call me that."
"I will do as I please. You're my stove."
"If you don't-" You stick your tongue out.
"You can't make me do anything I don't want to. Besides, if you let me, l'll be yours forever."

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