Rocky Road Ice Cream PT1 (Maddie)

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You're going into UA High as a freshman, taking the tech support classes. Your elder brother is a third year in the hero course, which inspired you for your own dream. Unlike him, your quirk isn't cool and can save lives: both of your quirks are food related, but his gives him cool abilities, yours just raises your IQ depending on what you eat. You've noticed ice cream raises your IQ the most, so you're constantly eating it.
Currently, you're walking to school with your brother. He's quiet, as usual.
"Tamaki," you say. "Are you excited? You're a senior now." He shrugs.
"Same old, same old. I just hope I can blend in better this year. The whole Big Three stuff really sucks." You roll your eyes.
"It does suck. It sucks because I have a super popular big brother who doesn't even want it, while I would love having a supercool quirk and be able to save lives."

"I- it's not my fault I have this quirk... besides, yours is cool, too." You shake your head.

"Yeah. So cool. So cool that I'm always eating just to learn crap in school, so everyone thinks I'm a fatty." His head snaps over to you.
"You never told me that."
"I didn't see a reason to. What would you do about it? Beat up a bunch of students in junior high? That's not very hero is like." He sticks his tongue out at you.
"I'd threaten them. Not very many people are fond of the idea of tentacles around their neck."
"Oh yeah. Then I'd be the fatty with a freakish big brother." You shrug. "This year will be different. Maybe people in a hero based school are different."
"If someone bothers you, you can let me know. I may not be very courageous, but I know how to protect my sister."
"I see how I feel about it." You run off, and he just sighs. I wish you'd tell me when something's wrong.
A couple months go by, and it is a little different. Most of the students are nice except for a few here and there, but you don't tell your brother about that. It just doesn't seem like a good idea. While he's very anxious and shy, he's also very protective of you. You don't see things ending well for anyone.
One day, you're walking around, and find your brother on one of his work-studies. He's with Fatgum, and some other guy.
The guy he's with has red hair, and is shirtless. Your eyes fall onto his torso, and your face is bright red. When Tamaki sees you, he stands in front of the redhead, and his eyes say, "Don't even think about it." Then you give him the, "Too late." look.
"Hey!" The redhead shouts. "Amajikj Senpai! Why're you standing in front of me! I can't keep walking if you do this, man!"
"Tamaki!" You yell. "Move outta the way! You run over and look at the boy. He's really handsome. "I'm Y/n Amajiki, Tamaki Amajiki's little sister and a freshman in the tech support classes at UA High. Who are you?"
"The name's Red Riot when I'm a hero, but in school, I'm Ejiro Kirishima. I'm also a freshman at UA, but I'm in the hero courses as you can see."
"A hero? So cool! What's your quirk?" Your brother is glaring daggers at the both of you.
"It's called 'hardening.' I can harden or sharpen any part of my body like rocks."
"... like rocky road ice cream?"
"Uh that's a new one, but. I guess that could work."
"I'm gonna call you 'rocky road.' That's like all I can see now."
"You don't have to call him anything." Tamaki says. "More than likely you won't get the chance to see him again. Red Riot, let's keep moving. We're patrolling, not making friends."
"You're so boring!" You say. "You never let me do anything fun!"
"He has patrol."
"He's right." Ejiro says. "I have work to do. But I'll see you at school after work-studies! I promise!"
"Sounds great!"
When Ejiro is done with work-studies, you see him at school in the cafeteria. You run up to him, and he smiles upon seeing you.
"Hey! Nice to see you!" He greets.
"Yeah. I hear you had an interesting work-study. My brother was all bloody. Did you avenge him for me?" Ejiro laughs awkwardly, not knowing what to say to that. 

"I'm joking. I'm happy you guys got out of there alive. That must've been crazy for a first year. Actually, most freshman don't do work-studies. You're amazing, Rocky Road."
"Thanks. Your brother is awesome, to be honest. You should've seen him! I can't believe how cool he is."
"Tamaki, he's really strong, but he has his doubts about himself. I would kill to have such a strong quirk like him, but he got it, even though he doubts its abilities. I'll never understand him."
"Me either. I wonder why he's so doubtful." You shrug.
"He's just shy and anxious. Anxiety is one of those things that's harder to understand unless you struggle with it yourself. I struggle a bit, but it isn't as bad as him."
"I see. Do you wanna sit with me?"
You sit with Ejiro and his friends, and you love it. Denki, you've given the nickname "sparky," Katsuki you've dubbed "angry pomeranian," and Hanta, you've called "gorilla tape." No one is sure where the last one came from, but it just happened. Tamaki is keeping an eye on you. He's always so protective of you.
You've been getting to know Ejiro, and have developed a major crush on him. The problem is that you're certain he likes Mina Ashido. That just has to be it. He's always so friendly around her, and they're just close with each other. It's painful, and it makes you really sad. In the past, you've had a few crushes here and there, but nothing as major as this. Maybe it's just because of abs... but regardless, I really really like him.
You're sitting on your bed, a little sad over it. I'm not gonna like him anymore. I have to get over him. It's only gonna hurt if I don't. You hold your pillow to yourself, and hide your face in it. This really hurts. You never expected it to hurt this badly, but it does.
Tamaki walks into your room, and sees your depressed state. Quietly, he sits on the edge of your bed, and when you feel his weight on it, your head snaps up. You wipe away the little tear that escaped your eye.
"Are you okay?" He asks, and you nod.
"Yeah, I'm just a little sad."
"What happened? Do you wanna talk about it?" You sigh.
"I think I like Rocky Road- I mean, Kirishima."
"Is it because of that one time you saw him shirtless?" Your face turns red.
"While I think he's very hot, I also really like his personality."
"Well, why are you crying about it?"
"I think he likes Mina Ashido." He furrows his brows.
"That's the pink girl, right?" You nod.
"Yeah. Her."
"Well, if he does, that's his loss. You should understand that even if someone doesn't like you back, you don't have to give up just yet. You should just tell him how you feel, and if he rejects you, then you know, and moving on will be a lot easier."
"How would you know, Mr. I Had To Have My Girlfriend Confess For Me To Even Say A Full Sentence To Her?" His face turns bright red. "Don't tell me your girlfriend got you to start watching romances with you!"
"Leave my potato out of this." You laugh.
"Gosh, you're whipped. I swear."
"Sh-shut up. Just think about what I said you brat." He ruffles your hair, and you smile. He goes to leave, but you hug him. You love your brother.
"Thank you. You're the best big brother in the world."
"I- I'm really not.."
"Yes you are. You should have an award."
"Okay. I'm not arguing with you."
"You'd better not."
The rest of the night, you make a little trophy for your brother. It's ugly, and you know it is, but you're also aware you're incapable of doing anything better. On the bottom, it says, "Best Brother In The World, Tamaki Amajiki." You leave it outside of his room, then knock on the door and run around the corner. He sees it, and smiles as he picks it up and goes back to his room. You get a text from him saying, "Thank you."
The next day, you see Ejiro in the cafeteria. You've decided that you'll try and confess after school. You run up to him, and hand him a note before retreating. 

It says:
Meet me at the sakura trees after school. There's something I want to tell you. Please come!
-Y/n Amajiki
Sure enough, after school, he comes, but is very confused. He tilts his head to the side when he sees how anxious you are, but you just smile weakly.
"What's going on, Y/n?" You love how you two have come to first name terms.

"I-I-ummmm. I like you.  I like you a lot.  I know you like Mina but I needed to get this off my chest."

"I don't like Mina.  We are just close friends.  I actually like you."

You look at him in surprise, "You do?"

He hugs you, "I do.  I accept your feelings."

That was a start to a beautiful relationship.

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