Hero (Maddie)

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You're walking around, on your way to work; but that's when a villain attacks. He comes straight after you, with a fist that has spikes on his knuckles. You're defenseless: no quirk, no strength, nothing. You're frozen in place, fear having consumed your mind and overtaken your entire body.
It's like your life flashes before your eyes, the villain about to strike you with his sharp fist. Then, your body moves. You didn't command it to, your brain never sent the message: someone else moved you. Once you're out of danger, you see that it's a hero, known as ALL MIGHT. He smiles as he's known for, then runs off to fight the villain.
You wait right there, since you have to pass through that area to get to work. Once everything is cleared up, you start walking in the direction of your job. That's when someone stops you.
"Let me escort you." The tall| blonde that saved you says-no, demands. "I want to make sure you get there safely."
"It's fine." You protest. "I can walk on my own." He shakes his head.
"You're shaking. Your body is still in shock, and I'd say there's a high chance of you collapsing later. Allow me to escort you on your way." You sigh.
"Alright. You can walk me to work, I guess. It's not very exciting."
As you walk, he talks to you. It's not all that surprising. He's known as a friendly hero, kind to everyone around him. You just nod your head, or give a short response: he was right, you're still rather shaken by what happened. By the time you're at work, he asks for something peculiar, your phone number.
"Why would you want my number?" You ask, tilting your head to the side.
"I enjoyed your company today, and the life of a hero can be... rather lonely sometimes." You smile.
"Then hand me your phone and I'll put it in."
He hands you his phone, and you do just that. He smiles, then says he should be leaving, in case people need him. You nod, then go inside of the building>
Sometimes, All Might contacts you, and it's rather nice. He's as kind in person as it is on TV. It's quite flattering, really you never thought you'd meet a hero in person, then have the chance to speak with them frequently. It's all so surprising for you, no matter how you think about it.
ALL MIGHT: How are you today, L/n?
L/n: Fine. You?
ALL MIGHT: I'm doing well. Just got done teaching my class.
L/n: Sounds fun. Do your students give you a hard time?
ALL MIGHT: Not for the most part. Except Bakugou. But he's just difficult in general.
L/n: Wow. I'm sure he'll come around eventually.
ALL MIGHT: Well, if he stops picking fights with Midoriya, I think that would make quite the difference
L/n: Does he have a grudge against Midoriya?
ALL MIGHT: Childhood conflict.
L/n: I see. I'm sure it'll get better. They'll resolve it on their own. Teenage boys are stupid, and oftentimes need to solve their own problems. Especially because they're stubborn.
ALL MIGHT: Yes, that's true. Young Midoriya is rather well behaved, though. He hangs off of my every word.
L/n: How cute He's your little fan.
ALL MIGHT: Yes, he's a fan. Ironically, I first met him when I saved him from a villain.
L/n: Cute. The kid was probably happier than ever. He sounds nice.
ALL MIGHT: Would you like to meet him? I could take you to the dorms for dinner.
L/n: That sounds good. When should we do it?
ALL MIGHT: This Saturday. I could pick you up at 5:00?
L/n: Sounds good. I'll be ready. Are you okay with me dressing comfortably?
ALL MIGHT: Wear whatever you like.
L/n: Thanks. I look forward to it.
ALL MIGHT: Me too.
Saturday comes, and you pull out an emerald green dress. You wear simple boot heels, then get in his car when he arrives.
As you drive, the two of you make light conversation. Time flies by and you' re there before you know it. As you and All Might walk in, all of the students stare in awe. Does he have a girlfriend? Is this possible.
"Wh-whos this?" A green-haired boy asks.
"This is Y/n L/n, All Might says. "L/n, this is Midoriya, the boy I've told you about." You smile.

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