Part Eight

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I turned my head in panic. Aaron shoved Emma in the room and she fell to the floor, groaning in pain. Her wrist was bruised and her face was red from crying. Damion slammed the door shut and locked it after him. No... No, no, no, no, no!
Aaron lunged at me and grabbed me by my waist so I couldn't escape. AARON: "What the fuck are you doing?" I squirmed and kicked as Aaron picked me up and dragged me back to the bed. Aaron threw me on the bed and climbed over me, grabbing my wrists and pinning me down. I shouted and called out for help, but Damion covered my mouth with his hand.
DAMION: "Shut the hell up, nobody cares. Aaron told the whole party that he's going to make you scream." Aaron and Damion snickered at the comment. I looked into Aaron's eyes as he smirked at me. AARON: "She won't be able to scream... 'cause I'm gonna make her moan my name." He was filled with darkness, hunger, and lust. It terrified me. AARON: " I told you, I'd be back for you." Aaron turned to Damion and shook his head in the direction of Emma. She was sitting in the corner of the room, the furthest away from them, looking horrified.
As Damion walked to her, she begged for her safety. EMMA: "N-No, please, no more... D-Don't touch me! Hey!" Damion forced her on her feet by pulling her elbow as she tried to squirm out of his grip. Unlike me, she isn't so strong. She's traumatized. Damion pushed her against the wall and she started to cry.
EMMA: "No, n-not again! Please!" Seeing my friend so hurt and fragile woke the dark part of me, the part I keep in a cage, hidden away. But now, I'm letting it roam free. JANE: "Don't touch her!" Damion chuckled. DAMION: "Oh, I've done more than touch her."
I turned to him with crazy eyes. I was tugging and pulling and squirming around as if I was possessed. JANE: "What did you do to her?" Damion snickered. AARON: "You just had some fun, didn't you?" He looked at Emma and she turned her head in fear. She was afraid of Damion. But she was terrified of Aaron himself.
AARON: "Not talking? Alright. Damion? What did you do to Jane's friend?" Damion chuckled. DAMION: "I took her into the laundry room. I lifted her up on the washing machine, and I took her shirt off. I kissed her, and I touched her. And you know what she did? She started to cry. Then... Then I put her shirt back on and Aaron dragged her here. I gave her a taste of what was coming."
Emma started to cry again. JANE: "Let my friend go! She has nothing to do with this!" Aaron pushed me deeper into the bed to keep me still. AARON: "But she does. She's important to you. You brought her into this, so it's your fault, Jane." There was no fear left in me. I wasn't afraid of Aaron... I was going to kill him. I gave him a deadly stare as I spoke.
JANE: "You haven't seen the worst of me yet. You can mess with me. But you hurt my friends... And I'll kill you." Aaron smiled. AARON: "You could never kill me. You still care about me." I sneered at Aaron. JANE: "You'd be surprised how dark I can get when you threaten someone I care about. I don't care who you are. You hurt one of my friends... You're dead to me."
AARON: "Oh, really? Let's see how you feel when you're held down, exposed... When you're the most vulnerable, and I'm in control of what happens. And when I'm the reason you make sounds you've never made before." I gave him an angry look. JANE: "I would never allow you to do anything to me." Aaron smirked.
AARON: "Are you sure?" His eyes moved down my torso and landed on my shorts. AARON: "Now... Let's try this again. Spread your legs." I didn't move an inch. Those words did not scare me anymore. I was being driven by pure darkness. I did not care what happened to Aaron or his friend. I would escape with Emma no matter what it takes. Even if I have to do more than defend myself.
AARON: "You're still fighting? Well then... You see, the original plan was to get another set of handcuffs and use them on your legs, but then we saw your friend Emma, she was looking for you. And I noticed something. You've always put the people you care about first. I experienced that first hand, don't you remember. And you listened nicely when I told you I was going to hurt your friend, didn't you? That's how you got up here without a fight."
AARON: "So let's see how you fight with your friend on the line." Aaron leaned toward my ear again. AARON: "I won't ask again. Spread your legs... or I'll do to your friend what I'm gonna do to you." That was it. I was doomed. I should have never gone to this party in the first place. I knew it was a bad idea all along.
My confidence was gone, I had no other plan. I couldn't let him hurt Emma, she's already been through so much. She's already so scared just from what Damion did to her. If Aaron gets his hands on her... She'll be broken. She'll no longer be a person. I can't let that happen. So I do the only thing I can to keep her out of Aaron's reach.
I look away with embarrassment as I slowly release the tension in my legs. I scrunch my toes as I spread my legs. A smirk grows on Aaron's face as he watches me. AARON: "That's my girl." Aaron backs up, and reaches down for the zipper on my shorts.

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