Part Sixteen

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DAMION: "Damn. Why aren't you wearing the sweatpants?" JANE: "It's too hot in them. It's fine, it's not a big deal." Aaron took my clothes and put them in the laundry. I went into the room next to the bathroom and laid down, tired. I took the blanket from the end of the bed and covered it over me. It was thin, good. I closed my eyes and began to doze off when the door opened.
AARON: "Damn it! Jane, what are you doing in my room?" He was back to his serious face. JANE: "I just laid here because it was closest to the bathroom! I didn't know it was your room." Aaron shook his head in frustration. AARON: "Jeez, fuck. It doesn't matter." Aaron took his shirt and shorts off. He was now only in his boxers. I watched him silently.
He paused and looked at me. AARON: "What are you looking at?" I may have almost fainted from the heat, but I could feel the alcohol still in my system. JANE: "You, duh." Aaron climbed in the bed and turned away from me. AARON: "I'm going to keep an eye on you. So, you better not try to escape while I'm asleep."
Aaron turns to face me, both our faces turned towards the middle of the bed. I gently take his hand and set it on my hip. I don't know what I'm doing, I must still be pretty drunk and dumb.
Aaron flinches and pulls his hand back. AARON: "What the hell are you doing? I'm gonna hurt you, stop." JANE: "I don't wanna." I whine as I scooch close to him and wrap myself around the side of his body. I cuddle with him. He pushes me back to my side of his bed and gets on top of me. He doesn't pin me down or hold my arms so I can't move.
I look at him with wide eyes, adrenaline pumping through my veins. In my head, I'm freaking out. What am I doing? Why am I being like this? This isn't me, I don't want things to go down this path... AARON: "Jane, stop. I don't want to take advantage of you while you're like this. But if you keep doing stuff like this, then I'm going to end up doing worse than what happened at the party."
I turn my head and close my eyes as the painful memories come back. I push them away, letting the alcohol drown away those feelings. I look back at him, completely out of control. JANE: "What would you do if I wanted you to do things to me? What if I want you to do those things to me?"
Aaron looks away, clenching his jaw. I really shouldn't be pushing him like this. The ends of his ears were red again. AARON: "You don't want this. I know you." JANE: "Just like you knew I would leave when I had the chance? Why did you think I stayed?" Aaron looked at me with a serious face.
AARON: "Don't. Don't push me like that... " He lays back down. I smile as I turn over and climb on top of him. I sit down with my legs on each side of his hips. Aaron moves back and squeezes his pillow with his fists in surprise. AARON: "What the hell are you doing?!" He yells at me with an expression full of confusion, anger, surprise, and fear. He's afraid.
JANE: "What does it look like?" I giggle and look into his eyes. I am way out of control. AARON: "This is your last chance to stop before I can't stop myself." I lean down closer to his face. Aaron's expression changes as he gives in. His eyes fill with hunger. I pushed him past his boundaries. AARON: "That's it..." He quickly sits up and begins to kiss me. I lean down and kiss him back as his hands land on my waist. He turns and lays me on my side of his bed.
He gets back on top of me as he continues to kiss me. I wrap my legs around his waist, crossing them on his back. The two of us continue to kiss each other. He moves my shirt off my shoulder and looks at the mark he made. It's still there, hiding for only him to see. He gives me a painful look and then stops. He moves back and sits on the edge of the bed on his side, away from me.
AARON: "I can't. I can't do this to you, it's not okay." I scooch towards him. JANE: "We're way past okay." AARON: "That doesn't matter. I know you're not really okay with this." JANE: "But I am. I want this." Aaron shakes his head. AARON: "I don't think you do. You're drunk, you can't control what you're doing. If you were sober, there's no way you would even think to do this." I chuckled.
JANE: "Well, duh. Of course I'm drunk, what did you think?" Aaron looks at me, surprised. AARON: "You know you're drunk?" I nod with a smile. JANE: "Yeah. Not only that, I remember everything, and I'm fully aware of my choices." I left out the part where I may not be in control of my own choices.
AARON: "So... You know what you're doing? You understand what you're asking for? And you're okay with it? Even after everything I've done to you?" I stay silent, I wouldn't let myself really think about what I'm doing. AARON: "No. That doesn't make sense, this isn't like you. You'd never... You'd never want something like this with me before. Especially after what happened at the party."
JANE: "But I'm here, sitting in front of you... Telling you that I want this. And you know I don't lie." AARON: "You don't know what you're asking for. There's no going back from this." JANE: "But I do. And I wouldn't want anyone else to be my first." Aaron looks away, bashful. This is exactly what he wants from me.
But he pushes through the temptations of the situation and goes back to being serious. He gets up and moves towards the door. AARON: "I'm going to get some water, you want some?" I nod and then lay back down in the bed. I still feel drowsy from the alcohol. I smile, thinking about how kind and caring he's being.
And how, no matter the situation, his kisses are always gentle. On the lips, anyway. He brings back a glass and I gladly take it. I remember thinking that it tasted weird before I quickly fell asleep.

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