Part Twelve

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I move around, trying to get someone to help me but they can't see my injuries with the lights off. There are lights flashing and moving around from the stereo. Whenever I ask someone to help, they just laugh and ask if I had a good time. Some laugh at my limp thinking it's part of a joke. I give up on asking for help and look around for Emma.
I don't see her anywhere. I ask around for directions to the guest bedroom. Finally, someone tells me. I walk down the dark hall and pass the bathroom. I put my ear up to the door, listening for any sounds of distress. After not hearing anything for 10 seconds, I carefully open the door.
I peek in to see if Damion is in the room. He's not. I breathe out in relief as I limp towards the bed, where Emma was sleeping. I try to wake her up, but she won't even move. I check her pulse to make sure she's okay and it's normal. How am I supposed to get her out of here with my injured leg? I need to wake her up.
I limp back to the bathroom and get a towel. I wet it with cold water and then limp back to the room as fast as I can. I squeeze the towel and the cold water drips down on Emma's face. She gasps as she wakes up. JANE: "Thank goodness! Come on, we have to leave now while the lights are off! I don't know where Damion is, but Aaron is injured in the bedroom upstairs."
Emma gets up and helps me to the front door. We rush out of the house, into the streets. It's dark outside but the street lights are just enough for Emma to see my injuries. EMMA: "Oh my god. We need to get you to a hospital! You look really bad." I nod and point towards my car.
JANE: "T-That's my car. My keys are hiding in the glasses compartment, it's unlocked, just get in." Emma helps me to my car. As she opens the door for me, someone yells my name. I turn to see who it is, and it's the two guys. AARON: "Jane! Where are you going? Come back! The party's not over!" Damion and Aaron smirk at each other.
DAMION: "Yeah! And bring your friend too! Come on, we were just having fun!" I look at Emma with fear. They're walking towards us, she won't make it if she helps me in the car. JANE: "I'm sorry Emma." I push her in through the passenger seat and close the door. I would have slowed her down anyway. She tries to open the door but I put my weight on it.
As Aaron and Damion get to us, she locks the door. JANE: "Go! Leave! I'll get out of this, don't worry about me!" I feel someone right behind me. AARON: "No you won't." Aaron whispers in my ear as he grabs me by the waist. He pulls me back towards the house, and I try to turn back towards the road.
Emma moves over to the driver's seat and pulls down the window. EMMA: "I'll come back for you, I promise! I'll get help!" I nod as she drives away. AARON: "Now, where were we? That's right..." Aaron drags me back to the house and I groan, complaining. When is this going to end? Please, somebody help me!
Aaron doesn't take me back to the bedroom. Instead, he takes me to the kitchen. Damion follows behind the two of us, making sure I don't escape again. Aaron sits me down at the counter and hands me a drink. AARON: "Come on, drink it." I give him a confused look.
JANE: "Um, no." Aaron touches the inner part of my thigh as he leans his body against mine. He leans close to my face, and whispers in my ear. AARON: "Drink it. Or we'll go back to what we were doing before." I can't go back to that room, I can't go back to square one. Nothing has worked to escape. I take the drink from his hand.
I smell the drink, and it has a strong scent of alcohol. Everyone is surrounding us, so I don't have a way to escape. Everyone is silent, watching me. There's no way I can fake drinking it either. I take a deep breath as I put the cup to my mouth, and drink the entire thing. DAMION: "Alright! Let's get this party going!" Aaron whispers in my ear again. AARON: "That's my girl." I pull away from his face as I mumble.
JANE: "I told you, I'm not yours." Aaron grips my injured leg tighter. I tense the leg, blocking out the pain as much as I can. AARON: "Like I said, you're mine and mine alone." Aaron motions Damion to come to us. Damion dances his way back to us, trying not to look suspicious. AARON: "Did you find out if my house is empty?"
Damion nodded as he continued dancing. DAMION: "I called your parents and asked if I could come over. They said it was fine, and that they won't be back until Tuesday night." Aaron smiled. AARON: "Perfect." I watched him with a pouting face.
I didn't need to think twice to know where this was going. But I had a plan. I got up and limped to the refrigerator. AARON: "What the hell do you think you're doing? Get back here." I opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of alcohol. JANE: "I'm getting more to drink, isn't it obvious!" Aaron watched me open the bottle and drink from it. He was confused, but he didn't mind.
AARON: "Fine, drink up. Makes this a lot easier anyway." JANE: "Makes what easier?" I swayed back and forth. I chugged the bottle and people saw and surrounded me once more. Good, I wanted everyone to witness this. They were yelling and cheering me on.
They began to cheer "Chug! Chug! Chug!" I finished the bottle within a few minutes and cheered with them. Aaron was getting worried I might do something so he came up to me and tried to get me to sit back down. AARON: "Alright, come on. I don't want you throwing up." I pretended to hiccup.
JANE: "Relax! I'm just having fun! That's what you brought me back here, isn't it? You yelled in front of everyone that you wanted to have fun with me. So have fun, and stop being such a grumpy pants." I pretended to hiccup again and I half-closed my eyes. I had to pretend I was drunk. And it looks like everyone was falling for the act. Including Aaron. Good.
As Aaron began to tug my elbow to go with him, I dropped the empty bottle and the glass shattered everywhere.

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