Part Ten

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Everything was rushing through my head. Memories, notes, thoughts. I search for something, anything that I can use against him. I can't let him win, I can't let him do this to me. That's when I found something.
I went back through every memory and started to connect the dots. Every single time his brother was in one of those memories, he was so guilty. I could see the Aaron I cared for. The poor softboy, with pain in his eyes. His brother may have forced him to be this way back then... But nobody's forcing anything on him now.
JANE: "You're... You're just like your brother!" I yelled, catching my breath. Aaron stopped and our eyes met. I could only see darkness in his. It didn't work.
I thought that if I mentioned his brother, I would see the Aaron I knew... But there was no trace of him. Aaron's face darkens as he spoke in a low tone. AARON: "I am nothing like him." And then it clicked. He wasn't afraid of his brother. He was afraid of himself. He's afraid of becoming his brother, and yet he's doing this...
My heart kept beating faster and faster. JANE: "Then... Why are you doing exactly what he wanted to do? I-I know you saw the look he gave me back then, when I went to your house. H-He didn't see me as a person, and neither do you." AARON: "This has nothing to do with my brother. This has to do with you. You don't get to mess around and expect nothing in return."
JANE: "L-Look at you... You're in denial. You're exactly like your brother." I felt Aaron's muscles tense. I found his weakness. AARON: "I'm not a fucking idiot. I know what you're trying to do. And it's not gonna work." I look away, bashful. JANE: "Screw you." Aaron held my chin and moved my head to face him again.
AARON: "You bet I will." My eyes flutter as I look at him with frustration. AARON: "And I like to keep my word." He leans in and kisses my lips softly. Even though he wants to hurt me, his kisses are gentle. I clench my jaw as I feel my cheeks get warmer.
I've never blushed before. It made Aaron smile. AARON: "You're blushing?" I stayed silent. I wasn't going to entertain him more. AARON: "You really don't lie, huh?" Aaron leans back and shakes his head. AARON: "I get it... Is this your first time? You saved it for me? Well, I'll be glad to take it." Suddenly, Emma woke up.
She put her hand up to her head and groaned in pain. My eyes darted to her, panic rising up my bones. Aaron turned to face her. He got up from the bed. No... He's going to hurt her. I squeeze both of my thumbs towards my thumbs once again and hear them dislocate as Emma yells and cries out, scared. I'm not letting him touch her. Over my dead body.
I pull both my arms with all the strength I have and they come right off the cuffs. I lunge at Aaron as Damion looks up to see me. DAMION: "Aaron, look out!" Aaron turns just in time before I tackle him. He shoves me to the side and I hit the wooden desk really hard. I fall to the floor in pain. My ribs hurt, they're probably fractured. I hold where it hurts as I get back up.
AARON: "You really just don't quit, huh?" Aaron walks towards me and pushes me down from my shoulders. I fall back down and begin to crawl away from him. My whole body aches. Aaron stomps his foot on my back and slams me down to the floor. I can't move. He crouches down and grabs my legs.
I claw at the ground, trying to find anything to grab a hold of as he turns my body and drags me towards him. He stops when he reaches my knees, gripping the same spots where bruises had formed. AARON: "The floor works too." Aaron reaches for the band of my shorts and leans down on me.
I kick at him as he attempts to take off my shorts. AARON: "Goddammit, why are they so tight?" JANE: "So you can't take them off!" I struggle to get free as Aaron slams his knees on my hips again. He leans down and unbuttons my shorts as I move around. He unzips my shorts and tugs on them to come off. He raises his knees just little bit so he can take my shorts off.
I twist and turn, clawing at anything in my reach. AARON: "Fuck, Damion come hold her down!" Damion reaches for my arms but I grab him first. I dig my nails as deep as I can into his skin. He pulls away and yells in pain. DAMION: "Ah! Fuck, that hurt!" He grabbed my head and slammed it against the floor. My vision went black, I couldn't see anything. My head hurt so much, I couldn't think.

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