Chapter 2

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It was time for their event as they were in their dressing room getting ready as they only had about 20 minutes left before the event started but 2 of the boys were missing and everyone was in a slight panic.
           "How could you lose 2 boys?" Their manager said as they were running around backstage as the other 2 boys were texting and calling the two but to no luck.
          "If y'all can't find them, then we'll just continue without them." The manager said but the other 2 didn't agree.
           "We can't do that. We're a group of 4 and the other 2 are the most popular. We need them." They said and the manager was so pissed that the other 2 were worried about what would happen if the other 2 don't show up within the next 15 minutes.
             "They're here!" One of the staff members said as the manager sighed in relief but still a bit pissed off as he started to lecture the other 2 boys.
            "I done told you all that this is an important event, where were you two and why were you so late?" The manager asked but they didn't respond as it just irritated the manager even more.
           "You know, nevermind. We'll talk about this later, right now you two need to hurry and get ready, we're on in 10 minutes!" He said as the manager left to let the staff do what they needed to do as the other 2 boys were on standby.

            The 4 boys did well during the event; played plenty of games, sang their recent debut song, and did well with the fans, but their body language especially between a certain 2 members of the group was a bit off but luckily no one really noticed except maybe their band mates.

          Making their way back to the dressing room since it's the end of the event, there were 2 of them missing again…

       "Uh…I didn't like how close you were with Sky today…" The boy said as he was pounding the other boy from behind as they had taken off to some supply closet to relieve themselves from the tension earlier.
          "Uh…P.. P'Phayu…you sure we should be doing this?" The boy under him asked but not without letting out slight moans not trying to be so loud that they were caught as this is something that's been going on since their training days.
          "Shhh…you're getting a bit too loud." Phayu said into the boy's ear as he had started kissing on the boy's ears as Phayu had started to fasten up the pace as they were both to their climaxes as they had both cummed as the two were out of breath.
          "We should get back before we get caught." Phayu said as the two parted ways, straightening themselves out as the two gave each other small kisses on the lips as Phayu helped fix up the boy's hair.
           "I love you, P'Phayu." The boy said as he just smiled and kissed the boy's lips again.
           "Let's go." Phayu said and the boy nodded in agreement as the two secretly made their way back to the dressing room but went in at different times so that it didn't seem too sketchy with the 2 coming back together.


OMG! Can you guess on who Phayu was with??

I'm sure you know. 😏

Tho, red flag for Phayu already since he never said,
I love you back but yet acting like he has the rights over him.

This is just the beginning. Lol


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