Chapter 21

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It's been a few weeks, and Rain hasn't seen Sky much, as he said that he's been busy with something really important, but it seemed like he just wanted time with Phayu, as Phayu always had excuses for going out, but why Rain followed him one day, he seen that he was meeting up with Sky, and it hurt Rain that the two was keeping something from him as Rain was extra clingy with Phayu during the filming of their new series, as Phayu was a bit confused on why Rain was being extra clingy.
          "Rain, what's wrong? You've been really clingy today. More than what you normally are." Phayu asked as he was concerned, but Rain was just busy being jealous that the two were keeping things from him.
          "You've been going out lately, and Sky rarely answers my texts. What's with you two? I thought the 3 of us were all dating?" Rain said with a sad disappointed face as Phayu had just lifted his hand caressing Rain's cheeks with his thumb as he kissed Rain's forehead.
          "We are babe. But, Sky has been dealing with something that he couldn't tell you, even though he begged me to ask you if you would do something for him, but I refused because I know that you wouldn't be able to handle it." Phayu said as Rain looked at him with a pouty face.
          "You shouldn't keep things from the person you love. And, another thing, didn't Sky say that he was supposed to visit today? Why isn't he not here?" Phayu just sighed as he just stoked Rain's head a bit before pinching his bubbly cheeks before Phayu's phone went off, as he looked at Rain with a smile, kissing his head slightly, before walking off to answer his phone.
               Rain was even more sad as he suddenly felt arms wrap around his waists as he was startled a bit, before turning around to see Prapai as Rain started to whine as he threw his arms around him.
               "P'Pai! Phayu and Sky are keeping things from me." Rain said as he started to weep a bit, as Prapai just rubbed his back, before pulling away a bit before wiping Rain's tears.
                "Don't stress over it babe, I'm sure they'll tell you when it's time." Prapai said with a smile as he patted Rain's head as they suddenly heard people suddenly talking about something on the TV, when Rain looked at Prapai, curiously as they both had made their way to the area where the TV was, as he saw Sky,.and a couple of women/men sitting around him a bit as Rain had looked over at Prapai as he just shrugged his shoulders before they both had looked back towards the TV screen.
             "I'm here, as I'm trying to expose someone for their wrong doings, as I have witnesses, minus the current one, as he's a bit nervous to reveal himself." Sky said as Rain's heart started to race a bit, as he's still a bit confused, but knew that Sky was talking about him.
             "There was an incident awhile back, that hurt the person I care about, as well as, the reason why I had left the spotlight. But, I'm here today to set things straight. The producer that my company, and former group, was working with for a series, did something extremely wrong, and it resulted in me doing something which made me leave the group. Here with me, I have a few witnesses that would like to speak up about their past encounters with him." He said as Rain could feel his heart tug a bit, as he had wanted to run away, but his feet wouldn't move.
               "I am a victim so SA and rape. And it was that producer who did it. I knew there was something off about him." One of the people on TV said, tho their face was pixelated, you could hear the fear in her voice, as the others also did their testifies, as the cameras started to go crazy, just flashing away, as one of the police was there who started to talk, as they were saying that they were putting an warrant out for his arrest and to make sure that he couldn't leave the country, Rain's eyes were full of tears, as he couldn't take how his heart has literally been lifted from the past, as Rain had turned and ran up to Phayu.
               "Was this what you two been doing behind my back?" Rain said as it seemed almost like a yell as Phayu had wrapped Rain in his arms.
              "Sky did it for you. He found every evidence he could just to serve you justice, and because he felt like he owed you." Phayu said as he pulled away, lifting his hand to wipe Rain's tears away.
               "He didn't do it for himself or to get his fame and face back. He did it because he cares about you. We all do." Phayu said as Rain felt like he needed to see Sky, as he realized that the press conference was at their company, as Rain had to excuse himself as he had to go see Sky as he left the film site to go after Sky.

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