Chapter 15

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Rain and the other two was at Sky's press conference, as there were tons of reporters, with their flashing cameras as it was noisy and hectic as their boss had finally walked through the doors as he made his way and sat down next to Sky.
                "I'm sorry that you guys have to gather here so suddenly." Their boss said as Rain was in the corner with anxiety up.
                 "We have an announcement." Their boss said as he turned to Sky to motion him to speak.
                   Before he said anything, he had gotten up and bowed, as he had looked over at Rain who looked like he was almost in tears as he smiled turning back towards the camera.
                  "I'm announcing my departure from the group, Weather Boys as I had made a terrible mistake that I'm willing to repent on. I want to sincerely apologize to the producer, as well as the staff from the series that we were working on for my bad behavior, and I'm leaving the group so it don't ruin their reputation and I hope that they can be in successful in what they do." Sky said as it got a bit louder as the reporters were wanting to ask tons of questions, as Sky had bowed one last time before walking off the stage as their boss was finishing up the questions as Sky had walked over to the 3 of them as the other two had bid their goodbyes to Sky but Rain was too much in his feelings as he didn't want Sky to leave as Rain had ran out of the conference room as Sky was going to go after him, but Prapai stopped him.
                 "I think that it's best if I go after him." He said as Sky nodded in agreement as Prapai had took off after Rain as Sky had turned towards Phayu.
                  "I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry that my jealousy and greed got the best of me. I'll take this time to repent on the things I've done." Sky said as Phayu nodded, putting a hand on Sky's shoulder to try and comfort him as Sky nodded to let Phayu know that he was as Phayu had lowered his hand.
                    "Also, that video or recording you have of that producer, send it to me. Since I won't no longer be in the spotlight for awhile, I can take this time to do my investigation and deal with that producer for Rain. It's the least I can do for him for what I've done." Sky said as Phayu had nodded in agreement as he promised Sky that he'll send him the file later as he took went to go check up on Rain as tears had slowly left Sky's eyes as he walked out of the conference room, reminiscing on the good times he had with the 3 of them before his greed took over him and done the horrible things he done, as he had finally walked out of the building with tears streaming down his face.
                  "I'm so sorry, Rain. I'm so sorry for the suffering you've been through because of me. And I hope to see it in your heart to never hate me. I'll my best to bring that producer down, then I'll be back. Wait for me Rain." Sky said as he walked off to his dorm, to pack up his things and head home for the time being.


I'm sorry for a short chapter. I've been busy with work, and trying to get better from being sick.

Though, I am feeling a bit better today, so that's a plus.

Well, Sky had left the group, he's going to spend his time repenting on what he's done.

I hope that you come back even stronger, Sky!

I know the 3 of them will be waiting, especially Rain.

Though, was Sky leaving part of the plan to take down that Producer? And is Phayu in on it? Hmmm. 🤔

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