Chapter 14

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They were called into the office, while sitting in the waiting room, their boss was passing back and forth, irritated and upset as Rain was sitting in Prapai's lap, Phayu leaning up against the table with his arms crossed next to Rain and Prapai and Sky sitting at the opposite end of the table as he was staring at Rain intensely while he was Playing with Prapai's hair.
            "You have any idea what you guys did? This series has gone down the drain, and maybe your career unless you publicly apologize for what you did to the producer." Their boss said as Phayu had turned towards their boss.
            "I'm not apologizing for anything. That man should have never laid his hands on Rain. He got what he deserved." Phayu said, as Prapai had motioned Rain to get up, as he did exactly that but held onto Prapai's arm.
            "I sure in the hell ain't apologizing. I'll pay his damn hospital bill, but I'm not apologizing for what he did to Rain. My poor boy is so traumatized, doesn't his feelings matter?" Prapai almost basically yelled as Rain held onto his arm tighter as the images rushed through his head as Prapai had caressed Rain's hair.
           "It's not that his feelings don't matter, it's just business." Their boss said as Phayu and Prapai definitely wasn't having it.
           "I'm not getting on national TV apologizing. I did nothing wrong. All I did was protect my bandmate. He deserved every bit of it. The man should be locked away." Prapai said as he pulled out his phone with a recording of what the producer said that day of the incident.
            "Let me go on TV. I'll show how sick that bastard is and have him locked away for good." Prapai said as their boss was literally stressing.
           "I understand how you feel, but we can't do that. That's not enough proof." Their boss said as Prapai had gotten irritate.
           "Not enough proof? It's a recording of the mother fucker admitting to what he did. Not including Rain's traumatized self, what more fucking proof do you want?!" Prapai basically yelled as he had picked up a chair to throw it across the room but both Rain and Phayu had grabbed Prapai's arm, shaking their head as Rain looked scared, as Prapai had lowered the chair, as he pulled Rain into a hug trying to calm down Rain but also his nerves.
           "I'll apologize, I'll admit to everything, and I'll take the blame. I started this whole thing, I'll take the fall. I'll announce my departure from the group and the series." Sky had said as he gotten up from his chair as their boss clapped his hands together pointing at Sky.
         "A team player to take one for the team. Don't worry, if you leave the group, I'll try my best to re-debut you as a solo artist." Their boss was happy that someone was willing to take the blame for his own sake, as Rain had looked at Sky in disbelief.
         "Sky, no. That's not what I want. I don't want you to leave the group. I don't hate you for what you did, please don't leave." Rain said as he left Prapai's arm running over towards Sky grabbing his hand.
         "Someone has to take the blame for what happened. And if anyone, that person should be me. I started this mess. Let me take responsibility." Sky said as tears form in Rain's eyes as he started to shake his head.
           "No, Sky. Please." Rain begged as he turned to Prapai and Phayu.
             "You can't let him leave. It won't be the same without him. Please, help me beg him to stay, na?" Rain begged the two of them but there was no response.
              "You can't hate him for what he's done. It's not like he forced the man on me, I don't even care what he thinks of me, he just can't leave." Rain begged them even more but Prapai had came over to pull Rain away from Sky.
             "Rain, it's for the best. He's made his decision." Prapai said as the tears started to run down Rain's eyes turning towards Phayu.
             "Please, do something. If you care about either of us, you'd stop him from leaving. Please, Phayu." Rain begged even more, desperate because he didn't want Sky leaving as Sky walked up to Rain hugging him.
             "Thank you for not hating me, even though I deserve it." Sky said, pulling away to look at Rain as he wiped Rain's tears away before giving a small fake smile.
            "But maybe it's for the best. I hope that you 3 will be successful." Sky said as Rain shook his head, as he grabbed Sky's hand.
           "At least, say you're going on a hiatus, to repent on things, just please don't leave the group." Rain said as he tried his hardest in making sure that Sky didn't leave the group. It was almost like he was desperate.
            "Until, we can figure out on how we can get that producer locked up, and make him pay, I'll leave the group so it don't make you guys look bad. I'll be back, even if I'm an solo artist, we can still see each other. I promise." Sky said as he pulled Rain into another tight hug, afraid of letting go, but he knows it's what he has to do, to protect Rain, and the other 2 as he pulled away, smiling at Rain hoping he'll cheer up as Sky had looked at Phayu with a word, but just smiles before turning towards Prapai.
           "Take care of Rain. He really needs the both of you right now. Until, we can get things settled with that producer, don't leave Rain alone." He said as Prapai nodded as he put an arm around Rain as Sky had looked at Rain again for the last time.
           "Wait for me." Sky said with a smile as he turned and smiled at their boss, as their boss motioned Sky out of the meeting room to get ready for the press conference as he announced his departure from the group as Rain had pulled away from Prapai looking at the two men standing in the room.
          "You're just letting him go just like that? He shouldn't take the fall when he didn't force that man on me, that was that's bastards own doing. We can't let him leave. What's wrong with you two?" Rain yelled at the two as he turned and Rain out of the waiting room to go find Sky to make sure that he don't doesn't leave the group as he'll blame himself for everything and not forgive himself for not stopping Sky.


OMG, I feel bad for both Sky and Rain.

Sky leaving the group to protect their career, but seems like he's more worried about Rain than himself.

Does he really have feelings for Rain?

Prapai? Who are you calling your boy when you two haven't even confirmed in being an item?

Phayu was way too calm in all of this...

I wonder what's really going through his mind.

It's nice to know, that Rain doesn't hate Sky at all, I like his point of view, it's not necessary all of Sky's fault, and how he's the only one taking up for Sky and beginning him not to leave. Does he have some unknown feelings for Sky that he doesn't know about?

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