Chapter 4

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Rain and Phayu had looked at each other like they didn't seem to mind the pairing at all but their boss seemed a bit dumbfounded by the situation.
           "Don't worry, I'll talk to P'Pai about it." Rain said as he turned to Phayu who was just standing there with his arms crossed.
            "If that's cool with you, maybe you could try talking to Sky." Rain said as their boss had clapped happily as he walked over to Rain, giving him a hug as Rain seemed a bit comfortable, he just smiled awkwardly as their boss had backed away looking at the two of them.
           "I would be forever grateful to the both of you. No wonder you two are my most popular." He said as he had then turned towards the producer putting a hand over his shoulder and smiling.
           "Come, we have business to talk about." Their boss said as the two of them had walked out of the meeting room as Phayu had walked over to Rain putting a hand on his shoulder.
          "If you're comfortable enough, then I'll go talk to Sky." He said as Rain had just smiled and nodded his head.
           "Mm. I know Sky, if anyone could get him to do this, it's you. It's P'Pai I worry about." Rain said as Phayu nodded in agreement, patted Rain's shoulder before exiting the meeting room as Rain had looked back at Phayu as he walked away.
           "I already know about the two of you. Maybe I should just ignore it since I love you, or try moving on." Rain had said to himself as he was just at a loss as he was the last one to leave as Rain had set off to go find Prapai.

            "Are you sure that you should be racing since you're famous now?" One of the guys asked him as Prapai was already in his suit getting ready to put on his helmet as he heard a then familiar voice to turning to see Rain standing there with a slight smile on his face as he had turned back facing the guy, giving the guy his helmet.
            "Give me just a minute." He said as he started to take off his gloves while walking over to Rain.
          "What are you doing here?" Prapai asked as he had looked around to seeing a bit of people whispering as he had grabbed Rain by the arm pulling him off somewhere private.
            "I came to watch you race." Rain said with a smile on his face but Prapai wasn't buying it at all.
            "Since when have you been interested in watching me race?" Prapai asked him as Rain's smile left his face before sighing.
           "Fine, the real reason I'm here to talk to you about the series our boss wants us to do. Why are you so against doing it?" Rain asked as Prapai just groaned in annoyance.
           "It's not that I'm against doing it, but why do I have to be paired with Sky?" Prapai asked as he seemed really annoyed.
           "It's just a TV series. And it's just a pairing. Who cares who you're paired with, it's not real." Rain said but was soon interrupted by one of the guys who was running the race.
            "Pai, you racing or not?" The guy asked as Prapai had nodded, throwing up his hand to give him another minute.
                "You know what, whatever. I'll do it, but under one condition." Prapai said as Rain smiled as he all ears to hear what Prapai was about to say.
                   "I'll do the series, if and only you sleep with me once if I win this race." Rain's smile slowly faded as he wasn't really sure that was a good idea considering his situation and feelings for Phayu.
                "Uh, come again?"
                  "You have to sleep with me if I win this race, then I'll think about doing the series." Prapai said with a smirk on his face as they were once again interrupted.
               "Prapai!" The guy yelled as Rain had looked at the guy then back at Prapai.
              "What's it going to be? Deal?" Prapai asked as Rain had started to mentally kick himself for getting himself in this situation as he had painfully smiled then nodded.
             "Fine. But just this once." Rain said as Prapai smiled widely as he had patted Rain's shoulder as he had then walked off to go race.

             Standing in the crowd as he was waiting to see who was going to win, Rain frozen when he seen that it was indeed Prapai the one who crossed the finish line as he knew that there was no getting out of it as Prapai had gotten off the bike as he then took off his helmet walking over to Rain as Rain couldn't help on how his heart started to react as Prapai had walked over smiling from ear to ear that he had won to grabbing a hold of Rain's hand looking at Rain like he was his lucky charm to Rain slightly removing his hand from Prapai's feeling a bit hot as Rain had realized on how freaking hot Prapai was in his racing suit.
             "I believe we have a deal." Prapai said as Rain had just nodded as Prapai had grabbed Rain's hand again walking him over to the bike, putting his helmet on Rain to stopping him midway.
             "What about you? Don't you need a helmet?" Rain asked and Prapai just smiled, shaking his head "no".
             "Where we're going, I don't need one. It's not far from here." Prapai said as Rain just nodded as Prapai had put the helmet on Rain, helping him buckle it up as he had gotten on the bike to handing his hand to Rain to help him on the bike.
               "Hold on tight." Prapai said as Rain hesitantly wrapped his arms around Prapai as Prapai had then taken off.

             Finally getting to where Prapai was taking him, they had made their way to the elevator to what seemed like a secret condo, as the two hadn't even gotten to the room as the two had stayed making out in the elevator.
             Finally getting to the floor that the room was on, they broke away long enough to get to the room as they had started making out in the hallway, while Prapai reaching to unlock the door, Rain had pushed Prapai into the room as Prapai then pinned Rain with his chest up against the wall as he had started kissing and sucking all over Rain's neck and ears as he reached his hand around Rain's body unbuttoning Rain's shirt with one hand as he had turned Rain back around facing him again, tearing off Rain's shirt, to reaching and taking off his own as he then attacked Rain's lips again sucking and nibbling on his lips making them swell before pulling away looking at what looked like a desperate Rain as Prapai smiled, picking up Rain as they had started to make out again as they had slowly and stumbledly made their way to the bedroom as Prapai had lowered Rain to the bed then hovering over him pulling away from their heated kiss.
             "You're just so damn cute, yet hot when you look like you're desperate for dick." Prapai said as Rain didn't care for any small talk as he pulled Prapai back in kissing him as Prapai had went along with it, leaving Rain's bruised lips to his ears and neck as he tried avoiding putting hickies on him, as he made his way to Rain's shoulders then chest as he licked and sucked on Rain's nipples as Rain had gotten up, switching positions, pushing Prapai down on the bed as he stripped Prapai of his pants, lowering himself, taking Prapai in whole as he started sucking off Prapai while twirling his tongue on the tip of his dick as Prapai was feeling hot by Rain's touch, running his hands through his light brown hair as Rain had made a pop sound as he released Prapai's dick to standing up, stripping himself of the rest of his clothes, to straddling Prapai, lowering himself down on Prapai's dick as he started to ride him hard and fast.
                "F…fuck Rain…" Prapai moaned out as the both of their moans filled the room as Prapai couldn't take it as he had flipped Rain over, face deep in the pillows as Prapai had started fucking Rain's ass roughly with his hands grabbing Rain's hips tightly.
               Leaning down, grabbing Rain by the throat as he had pulled Rain up close to him as he kissed and nibbles on Rain's ears and neck he whispered, "I'm in love with you, Rain…" Prapai said as he had leaned in kissed Rain ever so passionately as he had shoved Rain back into the pillows as he started to pick up the pace as they both came to their climaxes, to cumming simultaneously as they both fell to the bed out of breath as Prapai had faced Rain stroking his hair as Rain had pushed his hand away to getting up and getting dressed.
              "Where are you going?" Prapai asked, confused as Rain had turned towards him buttoning up his pants.
                "Back to the dorm. I completed our deal. So, you have to do the filming now, even if you're paired with Sky." Rain said as he walked out of the room to get his shirt to Prapai stumbling out of bed after him stumbling to put on his clothes.
               "Yes, fine. But didn't what I said earlier mean anything?" Prapai said with a saddened expression on his face as he would of hoped that maybe Rain would of felt the same way.
               "Look, Prapai. I agreed to sleep with you not because of love, but because of a one time chance I have in my career. I like you, you're a good bandmate but I don't love you in that way." Rain said as he had finished getting dressed as he exited out of the condo leaving a very disappointed heartbroken Prapai behind.


OMG, poor Prapai!

Rain, you're pulling a Phayu!!

How about forgetting Phayu and giving Prapai a chance?

Your red flags are showing Rain, please, don't do this.

Things are getting messy and very out of hand already!!

I wonder on how the workshop and shooting will be with the 4 of them since Prapai agreed.

Will Sky agree?

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