Chapter 9

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Searching everywhere for Rain, Prapai had finally found him, as he was sitting near a river not far from the dorm with his knees hugged into his chest as Prapai had slowly walked up trying to not scare him as it sounded like he was crying as Prapai said softly, "Rain.." as he had walked over and sat down next to Rain as Rain had looked up at Prapai as Prapai saw a look on Rain's face that was heard to read.
               "What's wrong?" Prapai said as he had lifted his hand to try soothing Rain to Rain slightly leaning away from Prapai's touch as Prapai had put his hands up in defense.
              "It's okay, I won't touch you." He said as he lowered his and Rain had slightly leaned back into a comfortable position with his knees in his chest.
             "Why did you leave without saying anything? Everyone was looking everywhere for you." Prapai said but there wasn't a word from Rain as he slightly looked up at him.
            "I'm sure that he isn't looking for me. I wouldn't look for a disgusting person like me either." Rain said as he looked back down as Prapai had tried keeping his cool as he knew exactly who Rain was talking about.
            "Rain, I don't know what's going on, but you're not disgusting at all." Prapai said as Rain had looked up from his knees with a tear stained face.
            "Yes I am. I'm a disgusting no good piece of trash. I give out too easily. I'm just a slut." Rain said as Prapai couldn't take Rain talking like this about himself, as he grabbed Rain by the shoulders as Rain had tensed up completely.
            "You're not going to make me have sex with you again, are you?" Rain said as the tears just continue to stream down his face as Prapai's heart had started to hurt at looking at Rain like this as he pulled Rain into a hug as he started caressing his hair.
            "No, I'm not.going to force you to do anything or ask you to have sex with me. I was a jerk to ask you something like that. I'm so sorry." As Rain had slightly pushing Prapai away to Prapai backing away a bit with his hands around Rain as he lifted one of his hands to try and caress Rain's face but he just turned it away from Prapai.
           "I'm sorry, so sorry. I don't know what's wrong or what happened, but I promise you. You're not disgusting. You're not a slut. You're just wanting to be loved, and I just wish it was me and not Phayu. My feelings for you really are genuine." Prapai said as Rain had looked up at him a bit shocked.
            "You know about Phayu and I?" Rain asked and Prapai nodded.
             "Mmm. I've always known. I was jealous because I liked you, so I made you make that deal so that I could sleep with you. And I'm wrong. But, whatever happened today, just know it's not your fault and I'll be here if you need to talk." Prapai said as this was the first time that Rain felt like he had a true friend as he threw his arms Prapai hugging him tightly as he continued to try on Prapai's shoulder.
             "We have to film tomorrow, we should head back to the dorm to get some rest." Prapai said as Rain had tensed up completely as he had pulled away from Prapai with a terrified look on his face as he shook his head.
             "No, I don't want to do this series anymore." Rain said with tears streaming down his face as he went back into a somewhat of a fetal position again as his body started to tremble in fear.
              "Why not? What's wrong? Did something happen? Did someone hurt you?" Prapai asked as he was really concerned for Rain as the producer's words had started to reply in his mind about how he would spread rumors about him and end his career in an instant if he ever told anyone.
                "Rain, we need to do the series. Everything has already been set and done." Prapai said as he turned Rain to look at him.
                "I don't know what happened and what made you change your mind, but can you not leave? I don't want you too. I only agreed because of you. Listen, if it'll make you feel better, just try your best to stay around me or Phayu. I'm not sure what happened, but whatever happened, I'll make sure that it won't happen again. I promise. Please don't quit the series." Prapai said as Rain really didn't want to go back, but it really was him in the first place on why Prapai even agreed and he basically slept with him out of his own greed over Phayu as Rain felt reluctant to but decided to stay.
               "You promise that you won't leave me by myself? Not even for a second?" Rain asked as Prapai smiled and nodded.
              "I promise. I'll come to every film session even if it's just yours and Phayu's. I'll be there watching over you. And, one day when you feel okay to, you can tell me what happened today. Okay?" Prapai said as Rain nodded as he had leaned his head on Prapai's shoulder for support as he still continued to cry.

Just a bit after Prapai found Rain:

                 Phayu had searched for Rain everywhere as he had finally found him, but it was too late as Prapai had found him first as he walked up on the moment when Rain had hugged Prapai.
              Phayu had felt a sudden tug on his heart, as he wasn't really sure on why his heart started to heart watching the scene since he basically has been sleeping with both Sky and Rain behind their backs, as he only started sleeping with the both of them because of his own pleasure as he made it clear to the both of them that he wanted no relationship, he just wanted the fun.
             Things have been different lately as he actually suddenly began to feel something for Sky, he became confused because the feelings were a lot stronger for Rain as he started to feel conflicted about his own feelings, he just started to fuck the both of them more instead of thinking about it all.
           That's until today when he was doing it with Sky earlier, he realized that his feelings for the both of them were a lot more complicated than it actually was, as the 4 of them are just literally playing with a rocking time bomb.
          Phayu was pulled from his thoughts as he had heard the conversation as he heard the part where Rain had slept with Prapai as it had ignited a part of him that he didn't know that was possible as his heart sank as he was starting to realize that he didn't want to lose neither Rain nor Sky, as he couldn't take listening to the conversation and left the scene as he had went for a walk to organize his thoughts and feelings as he realized that he might actually lose the both of them.

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