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          It was the last episode of their series, as they were having a watch party, as Rain, Phayu, and Prapai and his partner in series was sitting amongst the fans as they were all watching the last episode, as Sky was there as well supporting his boyfriends success.

           Enjoying talking about the series, and playing a few games with their select partner; Rain, Phayu, and Prapai and his partner was also enjoying time with fans as well until it was almost time to leave, as Rain had wanted to announce something to everyone even though it might not be the best for his career, but he wanted to get it out, and stop hiding it from his fans.
          "I have an announcement. I had actually ran by it with my boss at the company, and he had agreed to let me confess." Rain said as the crowd and fans were in chatter as to what is up Rain's sleeves.
         "Sky, I want you to join us up on stage." Rain said as Sky looked a bit confused but got up from his seat making his way up to the stage as he had stood next to Rain.
          "As you know, there were rumors recently about the four of us and our boss had wanted to wait, but our boss said that it's the right time to finally confess…" Rain said trailing off as he had looked at the 3 most important men in his life, with a huge smile on his face before turning back towards the crowd.
             "I want to confirm that the rumors are true. Though, instead of us as couples, the four of us, Phayu, Sky, Prapai and I, are all dating in a polygamous relationship and we're all very happy." Rain said as the crowd was actually quiet for a minute as it had to sink in as Sky had turned towards Rain with a worried expression on his face.
           "Rain, you sure you should be saying that? What would our boss say?" Sky asked as Rain was about to reply to him, until the place got loud, as there were claps and screams of the fans going crazy of the news as one of them had asked for a microphone as one of the staff had gave it to them.
            "Are you serious? Are the 4 of you really dating?" The fan asked as Rain had looked at the 3 before smiling and nodding.
           "Yes, were happily dating each other. I would appreciate it if you and the rest of our fans can be happy for us." Rain said as the fan nodded and it got really loud with screams again.

          As the 4 of them walked back towards the dressing room, their boss was waiting for them as he clapped and smiled.
         "That went amazingly well, though, things will get tough with some fans who won't really support the 4 of you dating. But, as long as the 4 of you support and love each other, I'm sure that you'll be happy." Their boss said as the 4 nodded as their boss had walked up putting a hand on Rain's shoulder.
         "I wish the 4 of you the best, but you guys have work to do. So go home and rest because tomorrow is a busy day." Their boss said as he walked out of the dressing room as Rain was extremely happy as he turned and threw his arms around Sky.
          "Phayu, they're doing it again! Only thinking of themselves." Prapai whined as Phayu just chuckled and turned towards Prapai.
           "What am I? Chop liver? Even though we agreed to also date, all you care about is Rain." Phayu said with his arms crossed as Prapai had grabbed a hold of Phayu's arm trying to coax him a bit.
          "Awe, come on. You know I love you too, and the other two. But, Rain just holds a special place in my heart. And you can't say anything because he holds a special place in all our hearts. Some man he is to have 3 people to fall in love with him." Prapai said as Phayu agreed as he turned and hugged Prapai.
            "Hey, count us in too!!" Rain said as both Sky and him ran over and throwing their owns around Phayu and Prapai as the 4 literally hugged each other.
          "I'm so happy that I have you guys. And let us be even more successful in our careers in the future." Rain said as the other 3 agreed as Sky was the first one to pull away.
         "Hey, can I stay at y'all's place tonight? I don't wanna go back to my dorm. I miss you guys." Sky asked as Rain smiled widely.
         "Of course, you're always welcome. We're all together, so whenever you wanna come over, I don't see it as a problem. What about you guys?" Rain asked turning towards the other 2 and they just shook their heads.
          "No problem here." Prapai said as Phayu then chimed in.
           "Nope, not at all." Phayu said as Rain jumped for joy.
             "Okay, that's enough I know that you're happy, but we must go home soon, we all have busy schedules tomorrow." Phayu said as Rain just whined but gave in.
          "Fine." He said as they all got undressed and got ready to head back home, as they had a busy day tomorrow, but until then, they're just going to enjoy each other's company for the night.


Sorry for the late update, but this is the last chapter.

I was going to finish this then work on my one shot before taking a break, but I think that I'm going to take one now. I really need it.

But when I come back, I'll work on my other stories.

Til then.

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