A Whole New World

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I woke up and yawned loudly as I stretched and then looked around. I'm in a forest, but I don't remember how I got here. Let's see, I had gotten up this morning and got dressed to go to school. I remember walking to cross the street and next thing I know I'm here. I stood up and felt the wind on my skin. Wait...

I looked down and felt my face go bright red as I realized I was naked. I yelped and covered my body with my hands as I looked around for my clothes. How could I have possibly ended up here naked? Was this some joke?

Maybe I had just dropped it behind some bushes? I got down on all fours as I looked around trying to find my clothes when my hand touched something that felt rather weird. I looked over and on the ground was a small puddle of purple slime.

Well that's weird. I poked it and it jiggled a little. It felt rather solid, but whatever it's not my clothes so I quickly moved on. I kept crawling around looking for my clothes when I suddenly felt the slime on my hand again.

"What the" I held up my hand and noticed this time the slime was on my hand itself. I looked closer at it trying to understand what it truly was when suddenly it began to expand. I yelped as it grew, moving down my arm quickly.

I swatted and smacked at it trying to get it away as I fell back on my butt and began to feel myself panicking. It reached my shoulder and then moved down to my chest, as it moved it felt so cold and wet yet somehow solid and firm.

It soon covered both my boobs and stopped expanding. Instead it seemed to grow more solid around my boobs, creating pressure and squeezing them. I was surprised to hear myself let out a soft moan. This felt so strange, so bizarre, but also strangely... Good?

The slime then began to move down my body again, and I watched as it crossed down my stomach. I kept my legs closed but that hardly mattered, it covered my waist and went down between my legs. Soon I could feel it around my pussy, I leaned back as I felt myself getting wet at it's touch. Again I heard myself moan out and now I opened my legs as the slime pushed into my pussy.

I laid down on the ground, on my back as the slime began to explore around inside, growing hard and firm, fucking me deeply in a whole new way. As it did the pressure on my tits changed, I could feel the slime on my boobs like a suction. I could feel it sucking on my tits like it wanted milk.

I had no milk to give of course, but for some reason I suddenly wished I did. I moaned out louder and louder as my body arched in pleasure while I got sucked and fucked by the slime. It kept going until it had me shaking and orgasming, when I did I swear I could feel it drinking my juices.

I screamed out in pleasure my body feeling better than ever as it finished me off. Once I had come down from my orgasm it stopped moving and pulled out of my pussy and grew softer around my tits.

"Mmmm thanks for the snack, I'm Suraimu by the way" I heard it say. "Um... Hi" I responded blushing deeply "I'm Lea... Did you just talk to me?"

"I bonded with you, we can communicate inside your mind now. You are so lovely by the way, I love how you feel."

"Oh um thanks I guess" that was a new compliment, but a rather welcomed one. "Do you know how I got here or where my clothes are" I asked still wondering about my situation and how it came to be.

"No, I was wondering around lost myself when you found me. I'm glad you did though. If you want, I can be your clothes."

I stood up and looked down "your a little see through" I pointed out. "Not to worry, I can change now that I have a host." A host? Before I could question them though Suraimu changed in hue, becoming no longer see through and reshaping itself around my body. Taking on the form of shorts and a tank top.

"Oh um thank you" I said with a smile. "Of course, I'm happy to help my host."

"What does that even mean?" I questioned not wanting to be surprised by anything later on. "When we slime's try to bond with compatible host's if the host accepts the bond then we become linked. I will stay with you and help you, I just need you to feed me."

"Oh" I blushed thinking of how Suraimu made me orgasm. "So you need to do that again?" I asked finding myself rather excited with the prospect. "Well that's a good snack, but I would need milk from you actually."

"Oh um, I'm sorry I don't have any" I was almost ashamed of myself for feeling disappointed in that fact. "No worries, most slime's end up with hosts that can't milk. We just need to find a mage, they have spells that can change your body, make it so you can milk even if you aren't bearing children."

"Huh slimes and mages" I mused as I began to walk around feeling rather comfortable with Suraimu on me. They honestly felt rather soft, like clothing. "Would you happen to know where the closet mage is?"

"No, but maybe in the next town there will be one? Let's just try to find our way out of this forest for now. Well if you want to of course."

I smiled as I kept on walking "Suraimu I will be happy to find us a mage. But I'm going to need your help learning about this place. See I'm not from this world, and I don't know how I got here."

"Always happy to help my host!" Suraimu chimed in sounding rather chipper. Yea, I think I could get used to this...

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