The Goblin Tribe

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Rekishiya had been kind enough to let me stay with him for now. But I would prefer to be independent, besides I should stay active while he continues to look into how I might have ended up here. So Rekishiya had recommended I try and get work with the local guild. Jobs could range anywhere from helping with projects around town to fighting monsters. Which I did not like the idea of since I have no clue how to fight.

"I can provide you with spells to cast" Suraimu had offered "but I need to learn them first. Normally Slimes learn by absorbing the knowledge of our hosts. In this case though I would need you to get me to someone else who knows magic. While I'm on them though I won't be able to cover you up."

Great, so I have rather limited options. But I wanted to do something so I went the guild anyways. Unfortunately they only had one option. "Sorry miss all the other jobs have been taken. The only one left is to take care of the goblin tribe that's been camped near to the city" said the Kemonomimi woman who had the ears of a fox and a fox tail.

"I don't think I can fight a whole tribe of goblins" I whined as I leaned against the counter in defeat. The woman giggled seeming amused "oh don't feel to bad. The job has been on the books for some time now, seems no one really wants to tackle the quest."

"Oh? Why not" I asked as I figured there must be more combat oriented people in the guild. "Well the Goblins are pests, they steal and cause general mischief. They aren't very tough if you face just one, but a whole tribe is a bigger deal. Honestly if anyone could just convince them to leave the town alone I think they would earn the reward."

"Why not just increase the size of the reward" I asked. "I mean maybe some people would team up then." The woman just shrugged "we have increased it. Multiple times, in fact it's the highest paying job we've ever had at this point. But most guild members don't really like working in teams."

The biggest reward huh. "Technically you would only need to convince them to leave the town alone" Suraimu noted. "And a goblin tribe is bound to have a shaman I can learn a spell from." Well that does make it more enticing. "Agh fine I'll take it" I sighed.

"Oh um... You will?" The woman asked looking very perplexed. "Yep, sign me up" I rolled out my map so the woman could point me in the direction of the camp. "Well ok, but please be careful" the woman sounded genuinely concerned as she pointed out the camp and it manifested on the map for me. "I'll try" I smiled and waved goodbye as I headed out.

This is a terrible idea. "It'll be fine" Suraimu tried to motivate me. I shook my head and continued on my way. Going deep into the forest before eventually coming upon a clearing with tents sprawled all around. As soon as I reached the area I could hear movement all around me.

A single goblin walked over to me. He wore a cloth around his waist and golden bracelets around his wrists. "That's the shaman" Suraimu informed me. The goblin was shorter than me, his head was level with my chest; though he strode forward with absolute confidence.

"What do you want" he spoke, his voice sounding raspy and harsh. "Hello, I'm Lea" I introduced myself with a smile. I could hear the other goblins moving all around me, I was definitely surrounded. "I came to ask you to leave the town alone."

"Or else what" the shaman asked with a sneer. "Oh um" I raised my hands cautiously "I'm not here to threaten you. I was hoping to ask you kindly." The shaman seemed perplexed by this and tilted his head to the side. "Kindly?" He scratched his chin seeming to think it over before.

"Yes" I raised my eyebrow in response. Has nobody been kind to these goblins before? "Well goblins are the lowest of creatures, some of them aren't even capable of speech. So most view them as savages or even as just another wild animal. Not really people" Suraimu explained and I couldn't help but frown.

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