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Rekishiya sat at on the chair drinking the tea I had made him. "So what did you want to talk about?" Rekishiya had been trying to figure out how I got to this world and how I could get back to my own world. If I'm being honest though I wasn't exactly in any hurry to leave.

"Well from everything I can gather it would take an immense amount of power to pull you into this world. I was able to learn of dark magic emanating from a cavern out east. It's about a two day walk from here."

"That's wonderful news" Suraimu stated. I guess. "You've been settling in real nicely haven't you?" Well yea, I've scored two big jobs with the guild so far and I've made friends. I've been able to have lot more fun in this world too! "Well, maybe you can stop whatever brought you here, but also stay?" Hm, was that a possibility?

"The bad news" Rekishiya continued, is that there is a Minotaur guarding the entrance and we don't know what you'll find once inside." A Minotaur? Well now that is interesting...

"No worries, I'll be fine" I smiled and Rekishiya sighed. "Oh yea? You have a plan on how to handle him?" Well I had a few ideas...

"Don't worry so much. I've been handling things alright." Rekishiya smiled softly "I can't help but worry." I giggled, he was honestly so nice and sweet. "I'll be back before you know it. Oh um Kojin can you take care of the house while I'm gone?"

Kojin manifested next to me. "Of course! I promise to take care of everything until you return!" Aw he's also so sweet. "Thanks love. Well that settles it! I'm off to find the source of this dark magic!"

Rekishiya chuckled, "well so you are. I'll stay here with Kojin to keep him company. "Sounds good, thanks love" I smiled and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before heading out. Luckily walking a two day journey had gotten a lot easier. Maybe it's all the physical activity but I've been feeling a lot stronger and more energized since getting to this new world!

I made it to the outskirts of the forest, and could clearly see the tall mountain before me. I stayed hidden in the trees as I looked around until I found the cavern, and sure enough at the entrance was the Minotaur.

He stood at about 8 feet tall, with no shirt or shoes and only a cloth attached at the waist. He had a large battle ax sitting on the side of the entrance and considering his bulging muscles, it was clear he could use it.

"Well we have a frenzy spell but I don't think that will do us any good here." True, but maybe the Minotaur would have another spell that we could learn? "Maybe but I don't think getting caught is a good idea this time" Suraimu said sounding worried. Well I didn't want to concern him too much, and I have been playing things rather risky lately.

"Ok, lets wait until he falls asleep" I suggested. "Good idea." So we did, we sat out by the trees waiting for the Minotaur to fall asleep. Once he was asleep we quickly made our way over and snuck past him. Huh, that was rather easy.

We went into the cavern but it was rather dark. It also felt cold and ominous. I continued onwards though until I found a lit up area. Inside was a large table with several books. I looked over the books but none of them made any sense to me. "I don't understand them either. Maybe Rekishiya knows this language?"

That was a good idea. But first I want to look around some more. I moved around and saw a small bowl with some pebbles of food. Was this what the Minotaur was eating? "Whoever was here seems to have left" Suraimu pointed out and yea I couldn't find any signs of anyone being here but the Minotaur.

I went back to the table and looked over the book. I guess I should try to take them all back with me. Suddenly I felt a shadow come over me. I went to turn around but before I could the Minotaur's large hand grabbed my head and pinned me down on the table. "Trespasser!" He bellowed.

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