A Mimic's Mate

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I stretched as I woke up, yawning rather loudly before shifting the bed sheets and sitting up in the bed. The house was rather quiet, but Kojin was likely resting since he knew I would be traveling today and Suraimu normally woke up after I did.

I got freshened up to be ready for the day and walked over to the new mirror I had recently purchased. It was a full size mirror so I could stand in front of it and see my entire body reflected back to me. I ran my body across my curves as I looked at my own reflection.

Sometimes this all felt like a dream. Stuck in another world, adventuring and exploring. Making friends and having fun in ways I never could back in my own world. Sometimes when I lay in bed I'd worry that I might wake up back home...

Back home?...

What a strange thought, this honestly felt more like home than anything else ever had. "We'll I'm glad your here, and your certainly making this place more your own" Suraimu said as he formed a small head coming out of my shoulder.

Suraimu and I could communicate nonverbally since we have a symbiotic relationship, it still caught me off guard sometimes though. "So you ready to go find a dragon today?" I asked as I gently ran my hand across the head of slime Suraimu had formed.

As a slime he didn't really have a true form, but he could change his form and the hardness of it. Right now it was hard enough for me to pet, which was about as hard as he normally made it when he covered my body to form what attire I would wear. 

"Honestly I'm not sure chasing after a dragon is such a good idea, they are solitary beings after all. But if you really want to, then yea I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be." Suraimu was always looking out for me, such a sweetheart.

I walked out of the house and Suraimu covered my body up as we made our way to the mountain. It would take about a week to reach the side of the mountain that had the path leading to the dragon's lair.

"Hey Suraimu" I asked as we walked through the mountain side "why is a dragon living so close to town if they are solitary creatures? Shouldn't it be like super far away?"

"Good question, I'm not sure. Maybe this one is a bit strange?" Hm, well strange could be fun. We eventually reached further into the mountain until the light of the sun could no longer reach us. At first it was rather dark and ominous but eventually we found an area that was lit by torches.

"Well I guess we're going in the right direction" I said with a smile. It was at that moment that I noticed a chest by the wall. Walking towards it I saw it had a note that said "supplies" what luck!

"Feels more like a trap" Suraimu warned as I kneeled down before the chest. "Well one way to find out" I giggled as I opened the chest. When I opened the chest though a slew of pink tentacles came rushing out.

I yelped and leaped back but moved too slow. The tentacles wrapped around my arms and legs. "Mimic!" Suraimu proclaimed, yes I had deduced that much at the very least. I guess I hadn't considered mimics would be a thing in this world.

The mimic hoisted me up and lifted my legs over my head. I looked down and could see the mimic's large thick tongue. "What do we do?" Suraimu asked sounding rather concerned. "See what spells you can learn from the mimic, maybe it has a transformation spell we can use" I suggested.

"What!? But it'll eat you!" Suraimu panicked. Hm, no I don't think so. It wasn't baring it's teach and it's touch was aimed right at my pussy. I think this mimic is more horny than hungry. "Mmm fine but I don't like this idea" Suraimu relented as he pulled away, leaving me naked in the mimic's grasp.

The mimic lowered me down and it's tongue pushed deep into me. My eyes rolled back as it's heavy tongue pushed in deep. It's tongue was impossibly thick and long, maybe it could sense the magic on me and knew I could handle it?

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