A Ghostly Encounter

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With the money I got from resolving the situation with the goblin tribe I was able to get a small house on the outskirts of town. It wasn't much but it was enough at least. I kept working with the guild though most of the jobs were small or oddball jobs that didn't pay nearly as much. Maybe I was just so excited with how well things went with my last big job, but I really wanted more exciting jobs.

Oh well, I just had to be patient. Besides I really did get rather lucky with the goblin tribe. I still visited them sometimes to say hello and have a bit of fun. Suraimu was able to pick up a frenzy spell from the goblin chief which was cool but not super useful. I would rather if we picked up something more combat based.

I entered the guild hall and walked up to the front desk where the same woman was standing by. I had learned her name was Kawaī and she was the one who provided all guild mates with guests and missions.

"Hello Lea, always a pleasure to see you" she smiled warmly at me. "She's so cute" Suraimu commented and I couldn't help but giggle. Sounds like someone might have a bit of a crush. "Not as cute as you though!" Suraimu quickly added. I had gotten rather used to Suraimu being able to read my thoughts and respond to them. It was nice having a constant companion, at least I liked it.

"So any big jobs for me to tackle yet?" I asked as I leaned over the counter hoping for something exciting. Kawaī flipped through her book before stopping on a page. "Well we do have something... Normally I'd say you need more experience but considering you were able to take care of the goblin tribe... How did you manage that by the way? You never told me."

I blushed a little and looked away "and I never will" I teased hoping I sounded cool and mysterious. I think it worked too because Kawaī giggled before looking back at the page. "Well this one is a bit tricky. There's a cabin out in the woods that's been abandoned for some time. You see there's a ghost that haunts the place so most people stay away. But it seems the mayor wants to use the cabin as a station for some of the guards. None of the guards are willing to stay there though while the ghost is still there."

"A ghost? We don't have any holy magic though. We can't banish it" Suraimu pointed out. Hmm that did present a bit of a hurtle. "I don't have any holy magic" I said and Kawaī nodded "nobody in town does. Except the healers but they don't have any banishment spells. I don't know much about ghosts so maybe there's another way to get it to leave?"

I thought it over for a moment. "Maybe the ghost would know?" Kawaī laughed but I was being serious. "Wait you want to ask the ghost?" Kawaī looked at me all puzzled. "Sure, why not?"

Kawaī smiled "well alright. Good luck then" she said as she pointed out the location of the cabin on my map. "Thanks sweety" I smiled as I took my map and headed out.

"This seems like a bad idea"  Suraimu stated. "Yes well that's what you said last time, and look everything worked out in the end" I pointed out. Suraimu could be such a worry puss. Well but he cared for me and that was sweet.

 It took some time but eventually we made it to the little cabin. It was only a little smaller than my house which was already pretty small. I opened the door and walked in "hello?" As soon as I closed the door the ghost manifested in front of me.

"Hi! Hello! Who are you!?" He spoke quickly. The ghost was a rabbit Kemono who was shorter than me, reaching about as high as my chest. Although he had his human proportions along with human hands; he also had white rabbit fur and long ears. He was wearing green shorts and that was it.

"Hi I'm Lea, I'm with the guild in town and it seems the mayor wants to use this cabin." The Kemono bounced more than he floated as he seemed to have a ton of energy. "Well hi Lea! My name is Kojin. I don't mind. They can come use this place. You smell really nice by the way!"

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