Ransei University

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(Y/n) quietly laughed as he watched a video of a Skitty playing with a string on his Rotomphone screen as said phone floated before him. The boy was sitting in the back of a bus, on his way to where he'd be living for the next four years. He glanced at his bags which sat on his lap and thought about what lay inside.

He shoved his hand into his backpack and pulled out the letter, reading it once again. He still couldn't believe he was here, the Ransei region, the land shaped like Arceus and supposedly created by him for some unknown purpose.

While Ransei had once been home to numerous warring kingdoms it was now mostly home to a few cities, villages, and the world renowned Ransei University. The university was where (y/n) was currently headed.

The university was located right outside one of Ransei's bigger cities so the boy had taken his flight there and then immediately hopped on the bus that he'd been told was headed to the school after exiting the airport.

(Y/n) was quickly pulled from his thoughts by the sound of people moving to look out the window. He did so himself and smiled. Outside stood the school, that wasn't what made him smile whatever. Instead what made him smile was the building the school was inside of. An enormous castle, leftover from the time of Ransei's seventeen warring kingdoms. Sure the inside must have been renovated at some point but the outside looked as magical as ever.

Once the bus had stopped (y/n) quickly put away his phone and took his suitcases before making his way off of the bus, pushing his way through the crowd without so much as a word.

Once inside the lobby of the school he looked around. It was very modern for a castle. He quickly spotted the front desk and walked over to it before grabbing a map and smiling at the woman behind the desk. He then walked away, his bags in tow, as he looked down at the map.

He was supposed to be in dorm number one hundred and seventy seven. According to the map, dorms one through two hundred were all on the ground floor. Very convenient.

The boy followed the map for ten minutes or so before finally finding his hall. This hall contained dorms one seventy through one eighty. After that it was easy to find his dorm.

He opened the door and walked in to find another boy already laying on one of the three beds, his hat by his side. He didn't bother moving his head to look at the newcomer. "Hey" He was tall, a tired sounding boy with a Kalosian accent.

"Hi" (y/n) replied simply as he placed down his bags by the door and closed the door behind him

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"Hi" (y/n) replied simply as he placed down his bags by the door and closed the door behind him. "You my roommate then?"

"One of them" He sighed before rubbing his hand through his hair before putting his hat back on, covering his eyes with it. "Calem"

(Y/n) nodded as he walked over to one of the two beds which didn't have anything on it and sat down. "I'm (y/n)"

Calem nodded but was otherwise silent.

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