Sabrina Part 1

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(Y/n) rode upon his Rhyhorn through the forest. Careful to dodge the trees. They weren't going very fast but it was a bit of a challenge. The boy had taken to practicing his Rhyhorn racing every opportunity he would get. It was exhilarating, like driving a convertible but more difficult and with the top down.

"Ah!" They just barely got out of the way of a tree before finding another. "Skull Bash!" Rhyhorn roared as he knocked down the next tree and kept running. "Let's stop now Buddy" he spoke as he heard the tree crash down behind them. "Don't want to knock down any more trees"

It took a minute but Rhyhorn quickly stopped running. (Y/n) got off the Pokémon and took off his goggles, putting them in the Pokémon's saddlebag before returning it to its pokeball.

He glanced around, trying to decide which way the city was. He was still for a moment before spotting a Hoothoot, it cried out before flying away. "When in doubt, follow the Hoothoot" he decided with a shrug before walking in the direction of the Pokémon. If he became lost he could always just call someone or look at his phone for directions.

The boy followed the bird which seemed to stop on branches to look back at him every once in a while. "The longer I do this the worse of an idea it seems to become" (y/n) let out a nervous laugh. He kept a tight grip on Rhyhorn's pokeball as he continued on.

"I should probably think up nicknames for you guys huh?" The boy asked as he glanced down at his pokeball and his coat pocket where his other one lay. "That's a thing trainers do right?... yellow does. Know that at least"

The boy thought on that for a moment before nodding. "I'm gonna call you Geode" he smiled, feeling the pokeball shake gently in his hand as he kept walking. "And you" he pulled the other pokeball from his pocket. "How about... Penny and Farthing? Penny-farthing if I'm in a rush" that ball shook gently as well. He took the shaking from both Pokémon to mean they understood. "Good, I'm sorry I didn't give you names before" he was silent for another moment. "I think I'll call Meowth, Tooka"

After another minute the boy once again caught up to the Hoothoot that was once again watching him. He noticed upon closer inspection that it had strange facial markings, the same one he'd seen a few times over the past few weeks. He was unsure if it was the same Pokémon or just a similar one.

He was about to call out to it and ask if it had been following him, as if it could answer, when he suddenly heard a cry from ahead, not a Pokémon but a person. Without thinking the boy quickly charged ahead, past the Hoothoot.

Once close to where the cry had originated from (y/n) quickly looked around. He spotted Sabrina further out, her arm outstretched before the Hoothoot quickly flew and landed on it. "What have you been doing out?" She asked as she placed her free hand on its head. A moment later she turned and saw (y/n). "Hello"

"Have you been having that thing following me?" (Y/n) asked with a confused look. "And what was that cry? Sounded like someone was hurt?"

Sabrina glanced at her Pokémon. "She has a mind of her own this one" she pat the bird as she spoke in a monotone voice. "And that was me" she glanced past the boy but he spotted nothing when he turned to see what she was looking at. "Cut my finger" she held up the finger which had a bit of blood on it.

"Oh" (y/n) frowned as he placed his pokeballs back in his pocket. Something smelled ever so slightly metallic in the area but she wasn't bleeding enough to produce that smell. "I've got some bandages do you-"

"I'm fine" Sabrina assured the boy as she stuck her finger in her mouth and it came out clean. "Barely even a flesh wound"

"Alright" (y/n) frowned. "Well that's enough excitement for me today. I'm going to head back to the school"

"I'll come with you" Sabrina nodded as she walked up to the boy, at the same time returning her Hoothoot to her pokeball.

"By all means" (y/n) nodded as he motioned for her to join him. "You ready for today's training?"

"Of course" Sabrina smiled as she walked at the boys side. "My Pokémon are going to kick you'r-" the girl tripped and (y/n) quickly saw the girl in a white uniform and covered in blood as she caught herself before he blinked and she was back to her normal clean self.

"What the hell?" He whispered, causing Sabrina's head to quickly snap in his direction.

"What's wrong?" She asked with a frown.

"Nothing... I guess" he shook his head. "Must be all the cold, causing me to see things" he quickly zipped up his jacket.

Sabrina's frown persisted but she didn't push. "Maybe you should get a fire Pokémon. Something nice to cuddle" She suggested as she reached over and pat the boys back. "I'm sure professor Oak has some good suggestions"

"Yeah" (y/n) nodded slowly. "I think I'll get some sleep first though, maybe I just haven't been getting enough"

"Alright" Sabrina nodded and frowned as she noticed the boy was speeding up. "Forget about training. We'll do it tomorrow"

"Thanks!" (Y/n) replied as he pulled out his pokeball and threw it before getting on the newly named Geode. "Bye!" Rhyhorn quickly took off running back in the direction they had came.

Sabrina watched as the boy ran off. She closed her eyes and focused on the boy before opening them a moment later. This might prove an issue she realized.

Word count: 1003

(What do you think is happening with Sabrina?)

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