The Boat Part 1

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"And your dad just had this ship sitting around Ransei waiting?" (Y/n) asked as he walked across the deck of the massive boat which he and his friends now stood on.

"He knows what I'll need" Nemona shrugged as she turned to look at her guests. The group consisted of Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Silver, Kris, (y/n), Juliana, Arven, and of course Nemona herself. "This boat is big enough right?"

"Nemona this boat is big enough for us plus a few more" Arven replied as Juliana nodded at his side.

"I'm never leaving" Green replied and suddenly they felt a shift below them.

"Looks like we're setting off!" Nemona said excitedly. "Want me to show you to your rooms?"


Once (y/n) had changed into his swimsuit he made his way out onto the deck of the ship. The ship was massive, like a small cruise liner.

Once the boy finally found himself on the deck he spotted Green lying on a floating chair in the pool, wearing a bikini and sunglasses as she soaked up the sunlight. "You got lucky it's such a nice day" she glanced up at the sound of the boys voice.

"No luck about it" Green replied as she offered a smirk. "I asked Red to have his Venasaur use sunny day"

"Ah, smart" (y/n) smiled as he walks over to the pool and watched the girl. "Mind if I join you?"

Green shrugged as she looked back up towards the sky. "Sure, just don't spend too much time staring" she smirked as she ran her hands down her stomach. "Not unless you feel like taking off that shirt and giving me a nice sight of my own"

(Y/n) rolled his eyes and got in the pool. The water was cold but he knew he'd get used to it. "No thanks, I'm not much to look at anyways" he spoke as he sat down on one of the steps, his head just sticking out of the pool.

Green shrugged. "With all due respect you're not the only one who gets to be the judge of that" she once again turned her head to look at the boy. "Come over here"

(Y/n) frowned and shook his head. "I'd rather stay over here"

Green frowned. "Why's that?" Her frown suddenly turned into a smirk a moment later. "Could it be that the desert dweller doesn't know how to swim?"

(Y/n) was silent as he looked up towards the sky.

"I'll take that as a yes" Green smiled as she put her arms in the water and splashed in order to make her chair start floating closer to the boy. "You didn't learn as a kid?"

"We didn't have many pools in the desert" (y/n) replied with a shrug as Green's chair finally reached him. They were now face to face, although Green's face was sideways.

"So you're just sitting there like a little kid who's afraid of the water. That's so cute!" She laughed before quickly grabbing the boys hand. "Come on, I'll keep you above the water"

(Y/n) frowned and shook his head, refusing to stand up and move. "I'm fine right here"

Green pouted over dramatically and squeezed the boys hand. "Are you sure? I know CPR, if you drown I can give you mouth to mouth" she smirked as she used her free hand to stroke the boys cheek.

"Yeah, I'm good" (y/n) rolled his eyes as he leaned into Green's touch. "I like it here"

Green huffed before letting go of the boy and pulling her hands back to her side. She sat up before falling off of the floating chair and into the water. She laughed as she surfaced again and ran her hand through her now wet hair. "Come on!" She spoke as she started swimming backwards, her hand extended out towards the boy for him to take. "Take a risk"

(Y/n) sighed as he looked at Green's hand. "Screw it" he took her hand and stood up, his top half above the water as she pulled him deeper into the pool.

"That's the spirit!" Green smiled at the boy as she kept pulling him in until only his head was above water. "How about I teach you how to float?"

(Y/n) frowned but before he could argue Green quickly pushed him back but held him by his shirt so he was floating on his back. "Green, I don't like-" Green silenced him by putting her free hand over his mouth.

"Everyone needs to know how to swim. This is just the first step. Okay?" Green then uncovered the boys mouth and he nodded slowly. "I just want you to be prepared in case of the worst"

"Okay" (y/n) nodded slowly as he floated there, held up by Green. "What do I do?"

"Just stay exactly like this" Green smiled. "I'm going to let go and you'll just stay like this. Okay?"

(Y/n) nodded and a moment later Green let go of him. He tried not to panic but he accidentally moved a bit before yelping as he fell into the water. He flailed there for a moment, the water stinging his eyes which he quickly closed, before Green quickly pulled him up. "Nope! Not doing this!" He spoke as he rubbed his eyes to try and get the water out.

"(Y/n)-" Green was cut off as the boy started walking back towards the stairs. "Come back! It's normal to fail the first few times!"

"Not doing that again!" (Y/n) replied before feeling Green grab the back of his shirt before pulling him back to her. "Hey!"

Green wrapped her arms around the boy and held him close to her. "Don't just give up! You were so close"

"Green I'm not doing this" the boy argued. "My eyes feel like they're on fire and I have water up my nose and-

Green cut the boy off by placing her head on his shoulder. "Shush. You're not in the desert anymore, swimming is an important skill to have"

(Y/n) was silent as he felt Green's breath on his neck. "That's what water Pokémon are for"

"Unless you're separated from them" Green replied with a frown. "and until Geode evolves you don't even have any surfing Pokémon" she rubbed the boys back with her hand. "Please let me teach you the bare minimum?"

(Y/n) let out one last sigh before nodding. "Just- just make sure I don't go underwater again"

Green smiled as she broke the hug and pulled back. "Can't promise that. But if you do I can promise that I'll pull you out again"

(Y/n) frowned but nodded again. "Fine" Green grabbed the boy before once again pushing him onto his back as she held him up.

"Just float there" Green told the boy as she continued to hold him up. "We'll go slower this time" she smiled down at the boy as he looked up at her, his eyes full of uncertainty.

Green got an idea before speaking again. "Close your eyes and relax, get comfortable" (y/n) frowned but did as she said, trying his best not to think of what could happen if she let go.

Green watched as the boy lay there with his eyes closed. After a couple minutes she smiled as she saw him finally starting to relax. "The water feels good right?" She whispered.

"I suppose so" (y/n) nodded as he continued to float there.

"Good" Green gently let go of the boys shirt, letting him float there on his own without even realizing it. "Just focus on that feeling and continue to relax"

"Okay" (y/n) spoke quietly. Green watched with a wide smile as he continued to float on his own for the next minute. "What now?"

"You're doing it" the boys eyes opened and he quickly realized that although she was watching he was no longer being supported by Green. "You're floating"

He smiled gently as he realized she was right. "I am" he smiled as he looked up at her.

Green leaned down and booped the boys nose. "Told ya you could do this!"

Word count: 1376

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