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"You two are definitely the quickest learners!" Serena called out as she watched Yellow and (y/n) ride their Rhyhorn around the room at speeds which were neither to slow or to fast. They had been the first two to arrive at the club that afternoon.

(Y/n) smiled as he slowed the Pokémon down until they finally stopped in front of Serena. "Really? I figured that would be Roxanne, her being a Gym leader and all"

Serena shrugged. "So did I. But between running for student council, classes, and whatever else there is that she does I don't think she's been riding her Rhyhorn very much"

(Y/n) was about to reply but his attention was quickly drawn to the Blue haired girl who had entered the room. "Sabrina?" He hadn't seen his training partner for a couple days.

She must have heard him because she quickly turned in his direction before waving. "You know her?" Serena asked as they watched the girl turn around and leave the gym.

"Yeah, she's my training partner" (y/n) replied as he pat his Rhyhorn. "One of the few people here on my level"

Serena nodded. "I'd be careful around her. She's Roxanne's roomie. She enrolled a couple days late and if she hasn't mysteriously disappeared she's always hanging around the shadier kids"

"That doesn't mean she's necessarily bad" the two quickly turned to see Yellow stopping her Rhyhorn at (y/n)'s side and quickly jumping off. She lifted her goggles to her forehead before running her hand through her hair.

"That's right. You hang around Green and you're a total softie" (y/n) smirked, knowing Green could be listening through her listening device sitting in Yellow's hat which was on top of Yellow's backpack which was leaned against a nearby wall.

Yellow rolled her eyes at the joke, not as amused as (y/n) was. "What was she even doing in here then?" Serena asked as she motioned to the door that the girl had exited from.

Yellow frowned. "What was she doing here in this universe in your head where she's a bad girl?"

"I don't know" Serena admitted with a nervous laugh. "Coming to smoke under the bleachers? Looking for a place to bully her victims?"

(Y/n) gave Serena a very confused look. "Does everything you know about bad girls come from movies?"

Serena was silent for a moment before quietly replying. "I never went to school before this... the worst girls I've met were team flare members"

"Never?" (Y/n) asked with a surprised look.

"You have?" He quickly turned to a confused yellow.

"You haven't either?!" (Y/n) asked even more surprised now.

"No. Nobody goes to school in Kanto" Yellow replied with a shrug. "I've been adventuring since I was eleven"

"I can't think of a single region where there's even more than one or two tiny schools" Serena budded in.

"So you people had Pokémon and didn't go to school?" The boy asked, prompting both girls to nod. "I hate you"

"No, you love us" Serena replied with a smirk. "You hate your region. Don't blame us for your bad life"

"I hate you" (y/n) repeated, although this time less serious sounding. "But yeah... I hate Orre more"

"Speaking of which, how come you never got any Pokémon?" Yellow asked, prompting the boy to once again give his attention to her. "Your people import them right?"

"Do you know how much it costs to import a Pokémon?" (Y/n) asked as he crossed his arms. Yellow shook her head. "Neither do I, because I didn't know any of the people who had licenses to import Pokémon nor did I know which scumbags around us were poachers. And even if I did I doubt my parents would let me have any"

Serena frowned. "Sounds awful. How long did you go to school for?"

"Twelve years" (y/n) replied, prompting the two girls to go wide eyed.

Yellow slowly walked towards the boy before enveloping him in a hug. "You poor thing"

(Y/n) looked down at the top of the girls head with a confused look. "My region cannot be the only one that does this" he tried to push Yellow off of him but she wouldn't budge.

"Seems like it is" Serena smirked as she watched the boy struggle before quickly joining in on the hug, liking watching him squirm, she knew he secretly enjoyed it, everyone liked hugs.

(Y/n) sighed as the two girls squeezed him. He noticed Calem tiredly wander into the room. He gave the hugging group a confused look before walking up to the wall near them and sliding down it so he was sat on the floor. "Having fun?"

"Suffocating" (y/n) replied even though his face was still mostly above the girls and he was in no risk of suffocating. "Help"

"Nope" Calem replied as he closed his eyes. "Serena once hugged me for an hour. If I pry her off of you she's liable to do it again"

"Damn right" Serena's muffled voice came from where her face was buried in (y/n)'s shoulder. "Calem get on your Rhyhorn and ride it or I'll pull you into this hug"

The boy grumbled and slowly got up before releasing his Pokémon from its pokeball. He slowly got onto it before making it start walking.

After another couple seconds (y/n) once again spoke. "How much longer are you two going to do this?"

"At this point I'm just trying to outlast Serena" Yellow replied as she tightened her grip on him.

"You will try" Serena replied as she also tightened her hugging. "You heard Calem, I can stay like this all day"

"Oh dear Arceus" (y/n) shook his head as he tried to walk away but was held in place.

"You have two beautiful women holding you, enjoy the moment" Serena advised as she unburied her face and looked up at the boy.

"You realize that if I did this it would be sexual harassment right?" (Y/n) asked with a small laugh, indicating that he may be taking Serena's advice.

Those words made Yellow frown and look to Serena for what to do. "Tell ya what" Serena started as she smirked. "You let us do this and you can come to Yellow or I for hugs whenever you're feeling down. Despite Calem's complaints he's told me my hugs do make him feel better sometimes"

(Y/n) laughed again at that as Yellow just looked at Serena, she was too shocked to say anything. "Alright"

"Why am I-" Yellow was cut off by Serena's response.

"Because you're hugging him too" Serena replied with a shrug. "And I wasn't sure me alone would sell the deal"

Word count: 1148

(I have friends who are huggers. Decided Serena would be one of those)

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