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(Just my bookly reminder for you to remember to comment on every chapter. Pretty much all I get out of posting this book)

"Hey!" (Y/n) was pulled from his thought as he heard someone yelling behind him. "Grab that bag!"

The boy quickly turned just in time to see something, a plastic bag covering its body, running directly at him. He quickly crouched down before the thing could run between his legs and caught it. It barked loudly. "Hey, let's get you untangled"

The bag barked once more before (y/n) got the plastic bag off of the Pokémon, revealing a strange looking Growlithe beneath. "There you-" he was quickly cut off as the Growlithe barked and licked his face. "Gross!" He laughed a bit despite not liking the salvia on his face.

"Nice catch!" The boy looked up as the Growlithe jumped into his arms

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"Nice catch!" The boy looked up as the Growlithe jumped into his arms. The girl standing before him was out of breath and sweating. She was almost definitely a year or two older than him judging by her looks. "Now this might be a bit weird, but would it be alright if I took your photo?"

 "Now this might be a bit weird, but would it be alright if I took your photo?"

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"Sure" (y/n) shrugged as he continued to pet the creature in his arms.

"Really? Just like that? You're pretty trusting there Kiddo. Gonna make me worry about you" She spoke as she quickly positioned her camera. "Growlithe, cheese!" The Pokémon barked happily and looked at her before she snapped a few pictures.

Once she was done with the camera (y/n) replied to her earlier comment. "Well what's the worst that can happen? A girl having a picture of me and her Pokémon doesn't feel like that big of a deal"

She considered that for a moment before shrugging. "Well luckily I'm not some sort of weirdo or we'd know what the worst thing that could happen would be. I'm Perrin, that's Growlithe"

"Nice to meet you" (y/n) replied as he pet Growlithe. "I'm (y/n)"

"You new here (y/n)?" Perrin asked with a smile as she hung her camera off the back of her belt.

"That I am" the boy replied with a nod as he stood back up so he was eye to eye with the tall girl.

"Taking any photography classes?" She asked hopefully as she put her arms out and her Pokémon quickly jumped from the boys into hers.

"One" (y/n) replied with a nod as he pulled his schedule from his pocket.

Perrin quickly looked at the schedule and her face lit up. "Hey! That's the one I'm teaching!"

"You're a teacher?" (Y/n) asked with a confused look as he looked at the girl and reevaluated his thoughts about how old she was.

"Well... the teachers assistant" Perrin laughed awkwardly as she rubbed the back of her head. "But I'm a better photographer than her, so if you need any help come to me instead and I'll get you going. I actually graduated from here last year but I needed a job so when they offered one I jumped on it"

"Cool" (y/n) replied simply as he nodded. "So what's with that little guy?" He asked as he motioned to the Growlithe. Why's he cuter than every other Growlithe I've ever seen?"

"That's because he is the cutest one in the world!"she smiled as she quickly nuzzled her nose against that of the Pokémon in her arms as he barked happily. "And he's also a rare breed of Growlithe from my homeland. Last of his kind... well one of them. I gave Juliana the other one. You met her yet Kiddo? She's in your year"

(Y/n) shook his head causing Perrin to shrug. "I'll introduce you. She gets along with everyone so I'm sure you'll love her. But yeah, professor Oak let me keep this one and his brother after I helped him find them so he could study them"

"So... I wouldn't be able to get one of my own then?" (Y/n) asked as he looked at the happy creature as that was licking Perrins face.

"Not from me. You could see if Juliana would breed one for you but I don't know how comfortable she is trying to get her Pokémon to... you know"

"Right... not asking anyone for that" (y/n) shook his head.

"So what are you studying while you're here?" Perrin quickly changed the subject. "Judging from your lack of pokeballs I'd guess not training"

(Y/n) shrugged as he put his schedule back in his pocket. "A bit of everything. I haven't really decided on one thing yet"

"Alright, I respect that" Perrin nodded as she lightly hit the boys shoulder. "Over the next four years though I'm pretty confident I can turn you into a decent photographer if you want"

"Yeah? I might just take you up on that offer" (y/n) smiled as Perrin quickly tapped her pocket and her Rotomphone flew out of it. It stopped by (y/n)'s pocket for a moment and beeped before flying back into Perrin's.

"My number" she explained as she put her Growlithe down by her feet. "If you need help with a photography assignment give me a call. Just don't tell anyone I'm helping you or I'll be expected to help everyone"

"I appreciate it" (y/n) smiled as he nodded. "Always nice to get an in with the faculty early on"

"I also know a lot of students, so if you need friends I can drag you along and introduce you" Perrin spoke with a smirk. "I know some people aren't super comfortable with just walking up to people and introducing themselves"

"That's an understatement. In my middle school I don't think I made a single friend" (y/n) replied as he thought back to those boring times. "Just my neighbors Furfrou, Mimi"

"Well that's not happening again here" Perrin smirked as she put an arm around the boys shoulder. "I'll get you into Juliana's friend group. That should get you a good amount of friends... you got parent issues?"

"Uh... yeah?" (Y/n) spoke with a confused look.

"Sweet! You'll fit right in with them"

Word count: 1046

(After next chapter I won't be posting until either Sunday night or Monday. Religious holiday)

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