Sabrina Part 4

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"Green, panicking isn't going to help!" (Y/n) spoke as he ran to catch up with the girl as she stomped down the halls.

"Neither will doing nothing!" Green replied as she angrily clutched the pokeball in her hand and continued down the hall. "I'm going to kick Sabrina's ass!"

"Let's at least go tell someone first alright?" (Y/n) asked as he grabbed Green's arm and stopped her. "If she did take Silver then that means we should probably let people know where we're going so we don't just disappear too"

"Send a text to whoever you want or chicken out and leave me alone. I've already texted someone" she gave a hard look to the boy, waiting to see if he'd chicken out.

(Y/n) was silent for a moment before letting go of Green and taking out his phone before sending a text. "Let's go" he spoke as he pulled out his Pokédex and checked it, confirming that Blue was now beginning the transfer of his Porygon to the dex.

Green smiled widely before kissing the boys cheek, causing him to blush involuntarily. "Knew I could count on you" she took the boys hand before quickly resuming the walk to where she'd found out to be Sabrina's dorm.

"Now keep in mind I'm a sucky trainer and the only Pokemon I have with a high level is Blue's Porygon, so I don't know how well this will go" (y/n) spoke, causing Green to pause.

"Right, here" she quickly pulled her hand away and shoved both hands into her shirt before pulling out a pair of pokeball's. "More Pokémon, you'll need them"

(Y/n) frowned. "But those-"

"Just take them" Green demanded. "I'm not eleven anymore, it's physically hurting me to keep these in my bra now, if I'm going to go fight Sabrina I want to be comfortable. She already knows the Pokéboobs move anyways"

(Y/n) nodded before taking the two pokeballs and putting them in his coat pockets. "So why do you still keep them there?"

"Because you never know when some guy or gal will get a little handsy" Green replied with a shrug. "Now if they do they have a pair of angry Pokémon to deal with" she once again grabbed (y/n)'s hand before pulling him in the right direction.

(Y/n) nodded slowly. "Makes sense"

Soon enough the pair had arrived at Sabrina's room. "So do we knock or-" (y/n) was cut off as Green let go of his hand before letting out her Blastoise.

"Door" she spoke and the Pokémon quickly rammed through it before inspecting the room and returning to its pokeball.

"Oh" (y/n) spoke with wide eyes as they entered the room. He saw Green shiver and he looked around to see a number of Murkrow and Hoothoot surrounding them, just watching. "You okay?"

"Yeah" Green spoke quietly as she reached backwards and the boy took her hand, squeezing it gently. "Doesn't look like she's here"

Before (y/n) could respond a Murkrow did. "She's here" it parroted back, causing Green to tense.

"She's here!" Another one said louder.

"She's here!" Cried the third as it flew down from the cabinet it had been on and landed in front of Green who quickly backed into (y/n) as she started freaking out.

"Okay, let's get out of here" (y/n) spoke as he held Green and she nodded her head quickly. "These things are freaky, even without a fear of birds"

"Yeah they-" Green went silent as their surroundings started to shift.

"She's here" all the Murkrow cried, causing Green to retreat into the boy even more as they all moved closer to them.

"What's going on?" (Y/n) asked as he looked around. They were in a field now with trees and a large tower in the distance. Birds flying high in the sky and cawing loudly as they did.

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