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I woke up to the sound of my name, and a weight on my hip.

"Cipher! Harry!"

I finally opened my eyes and left my daze, when I tried to get up that weight was still on my hip. It was Harry's head, laying on me. My movement finally woke him and he sat up.

"We have breakfast with Cobalt," Niall, who was the one waking us before, exclaims. "I thought you two were already awake."

"Shit," Harry groans in a tired voice. "I completely forgot."

"We have to leave in fifteen," Niall says.

Harry and I both get up to get ready. I changed in the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I did my hair in the living room, just a simple half up, half down with a black satin bow. I'm assuming since it's breakfast with the boss himself, I'd dress up a little bit. I found my mid-thigh length black dress and paired it with some sheer black tights.

Eventually the five of us were downstairs and ready to go, slipping our shoes on in the knick of time.

In the detached garage, there was an SUV that could fit all five of us. It was a tinted black car that you'd see the president or someone important being driven in.

"Shotgun!" Louis shouted, happily making his way to the passenger side. Liam drove and then Niall, Harry, and I were in the back.

"Where are we eating?" I asked.

"One of Cobalt's restaurants," Liam says. "Unbiasedly the best breakfast food in town."

It was nice to leave the estate again. I can't wait until I have freedom to leave as I please. The car ride was pretty silent because we were all still tired.

We were in the community of La Mer, the coastal, ultra-wealthy community just below the bluffs of the estate and other mansions. It's Nightport's finest beach, surrounded by the best steakhouses, finest restaurants, and expensive boutiques.

There was a cute little shell shop along a street of stores, and beside it was a staircase that led to the second floor of businesses. The boys led the way up to where the restaurant was, overlooking a glimpse of the ocean in the distance.

The restaurant had coastal vines, white walls with sand colored wood floors, accents of navy blue and white stripes on the upholstery of the chairs. It was also completely empty. Cobalt was already sat at a big round table in the center of the room. There were far more chairs than needed for him and us five.

We all sat on the opposite side of the table from him. I expected Harry to sit next to me, but he chose to sit at the opposite end. From left to right, it was Louis, me, Niall, Harry, and Liam.

"Gentlemen," Cobalt greets us happily, "and madame. I'm still getting used to that."

"She's fitting in well," Liam reports. "She's already one of us."

Cobalt's face shows no emotion, but his tone shows satisfaction, "good.."

A waiter came and pour us all glasses of orange juice. I took a sip and that same bitter taste shocked my tastebuds. Niall tried to hold back a laugh but ended up snorting through his hand that covered his smile. It reminded him of last night at dinner. Eventually he exploded into full on laughter. It was his infectious cackle that I used to love.

"That's a mimosa," I warn. Almost instantly, another waiter was back with a glass of water for me. Now this is being waited on.

"You don't drink?" Cobalt quirks an eyebrow.

I take a swig of water and fall into the back of my seat, "I'm 20."

"Oh I'm sorry about that," Cobalt says. "I'll keep that in mind when planning any future gatherings." I don't know why Cobalt doing something for me was so surprising.

"I appreciate it."

"Anyway, I figured that I'd treat my top unit with a breakfast while I give you a final briefing," Cobalt begins.

"Lay it on us," Liam gets the ball rolling.

Cobalt went over details on the plan. He's giving us a hotel room where the event is taking place. He's also attending the event, off-duty and actually for leisure. He's not after the Phantoms, just their tech. He's on good terms with their leader, which is why he was invited.

He somehow managed to get Louis working security/surveillance. That's extremely helpful when it comes to a lookout. The rest of us are attending as guests.

We were interrupted by the waiter who came to take our order, but then went back to discussing business.

I kept glancing over at Harry. He looked tired, furrowed eyebrows and a spaced look on his face. He must not be a morning person. Also, his shoulders seemed so tense.

When the food came, we took a break to eat and talk more casually. I stayed pretty quiet and kept to eating.

The plates were taken when we were done eating and Cobalt continued with the rest of the plan. He picked up his bag and took out a laptop- my laptop.

"Cipher, here's your laptop back. Obviously nothing bad came back otherwise you would have never seen this again." As if I didn't already know that. "Now do you have everything you need?"

"I have to pick my dress up at the store. I was just going to ask one of the boys to go get it, but if you'd approve that outing then I could go too."

"Fine," he says.

"I have to pick up my suit at the dry cleaners," Harry speaks up, for the first time in a while. "You can go with me later."

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