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The weight of the water lifted off as I emerge from the pool, I drip water basically everywhere and leave a puddle on the floor. Harry does the same but shakes some of the water off a little more before reaching for the towels. He hands me mine, opening it up for me and wrapping it around me, then he grabs his.

"Don't forget that earring," he reminds me.

"Oh yeah!" I walk to the edge of the pool and pick up the earring. The air is freezing cold compared to the water and we're still dripping water that's turning cold. I'm ready to go inside and take a quick shower.

We shuffle into the lobby, probably the craziest people they'd see all night because who else would be in the pool after midnight? I walk up to the counter and put the earring on the table, "I found this earring while I was swimming." The receptionist, clearly tired but trying her best, thanks me and flashes a smile, taking the earring and setting it aside.

Harry and I head up to the elevator. "Thanks for coming with me," he says in the elevator we had to ourselves.

"Thanks for inviting me," I look up at him. There's a sincere look on his face that I match. "And teaching me to float."

"I'll have to take you to the aquaplex on the estate and teach you how to properly swim."

"I'd like that."

We reach our floor and continue shuffling through the hall. As we get closer, I ask, "you've got the key right?"

He stops in his tracks, eyes wide, shaking his head.

I also widen my eyes in disbelief, "Did you lose it?"

"I just didn't take it," he wears a worried look on his face. "Should we go back down?"

"Liam's on the couch. Let's just wake him up," I suggest, saving us the trip.

"No," he quickly refuses, panicked. "I don't want to wake him." It's almost as if he's trying to hide his secret escape.

"Harry, I'm cold. Let's just wake him up. I doubt he'll even remember it in the morning," I plead.

He contemplates, leaning between the two and hesitating moving either way. Finally he gives in and keeps going towards the door. He knocks, fairly loudly but not pounding.

"He's not gonna wake up," Harry sighs. "Let's just get the-"

The door opens.

"Harry?!" Liam furrows his eyebrows, not only at the unexpected sight of us, but also at the bright hallway lights attacking his tired eyes. "Mia?!"

"We, uh," Harry awkwardly scratches the back of his neck, "snuck out to the pool... and I forgot my key."

"Busted," he sing-songs. Liam widens the door and tsks at us. "You two will be the death of me."

"Thanks," I sheepishly smile, looking down at the ground and I huddle in with Harry. Liam brushes past us and crashes back on the couch with a 'goodnight.'

"I'm gonna shower off and actually go to bed," Harry tells me. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," I energetically respond.

The best part about my room was the bathroom ensuite. There was a giant vanity set-up and a separate shower and jet-powered bathtub. I quickly hopped in the shower because I was super tired and cold.

The warm water made me feel better, and actually even more sleepy. If I sat down (which I definitely wouldn't do in a hotel shower), I'd probably fall asleep under the fall of the water.

I turned the heater on the bed and crawled in. It was nice to have a spacious bed all to myself. I've never slept in a bed this big before. Overall, I didn't like it. There was too much space not occupied by anything. or anyone.

A thought of Harry being beside me popped into my head. A flash like him beside me when we were trying out the massage feature, or especially when we shared a smile in the water. I tried to push it away with other ideas, but his face always pierced through any other thought. I felt myself getting lighter like in the water as I dozed off for the night. If I hadn't gone with him, I would probably still be awake at this time trying to sleep.

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