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"Has anyone seen my laptop?" I ask the boys in the gym. They were all working out but I had slept in so I was still getting ready. The only one missing was Louis.

"It's a surprise," Liam cheekily grins. "I do know where it is though."

I was absolutely panicking. I need my laptop and it's not anywhere to be seen. My mind went to the worst, like if someone broke in and took my laptop.

"Louis is doing some hardware updates," Niall ends my worrying. "He wanted to surprise you, though, so act surprised."

"Thanks! You guys are the best!" I make my way back upstairs to finish everything I need to do.

I already packed my things since it's not really a lot. I used my one and only suitcase that I brought from home. My dress was hanging off a baluster of the stairs. Now, I just needed some breakfast.

There were some Eggo waffles in the freezer that I made, extra crispy and golden brown. Breakfast food never really filled me up, but it was better than nothing.

A while later, Louis came down the stairs with my laptop, "Should run like new. I added a 2.14 chip and have you updated to the newest software."

"A 2.14 chip?!" I exclaim, "Those are for the new laptops and they aren't even out yet."

"I have my ways," he ominously smiles. "You won't need a new laptop for a couple years if you're sticking with us, "I keep it up to date with hardware I get from... a source."

I eagerly open the laptop and sign in. It feels so much faster, almost instant. "You're also set up to Cobalt's system. You have access to all of our classified information, just know that any personal data you access is traceable."

"That's fine, it's a work computer anyway," I say.

"If it wasn't before, it is now," he jokes. "I just need to get you a bulletproof case from the office. I'm gonna run there if you want to come with."


I leave my laptop on the counter and follow him, sliding on a pair of shoes. I was going out in my pajamas but that's really just sweatpants and a cropped white tee.

I'm not sure how Louis would feel about me driving the way Harry did, but I did want to drive the golf cart. He unknowingly got in and I rode passenger.

"How are you feeling about tomorrow?"

"Excited," I admit. "Not too worried. It's nice actually getting time to bond with your team before it all. I expect the teamwork to be amazing."

"I'll admit you're fitting in well with us. I don't know too much about how you've come to join us, but it seems like you're not really here by choice," he responds.

"Well Harry put me on house arrest for like a day or two because they found out that I hacked into the biggest database of syndicate information," I explain. "They wanted to make sure that I didn't have anything on Cobalt, and I'm sure they wanted the information too."

"Oh you're the anonymous hacker we got the intel from. I was wondering who was crazy talented enough to get all of that. No wonder why you're in the 04. So how'd you end up here exactly?"

"Harry thought I was feisty and then next thing I knew, I was in a cell in the basement," I summarize.

"Ah, Harry must've pulled some strings to get you to join us."

"He's done a lot for me," I say, sincerely, "he's been taking me out whenever I need to because I'm still under supervision. Actually, all the boys have done a lot for me to make this less... lonely."

"We think his 'one month of supervised leave' rule is ridiculous," Louis admits, clearly as pressed as I am, "he just expects you to live here for a month until he decides what to do with you? It's silly."

"Yeah," I sigh, "It is. I'm just trying to stay on my best behavior and prove myself. I cut a good deal with him."

By then we had made it to the office, the same one that Harry had taken me to for my pistol. Louis opened the door and let me in first, following behind.

"Sammy!" Louis cheers, "Nice to see you, dear."

"Well hello Lou," she grins. "What brings you in now?"

"I need a laptop case for an M135.9."

"Gotcha," she disappears into the back for a moment.

"Sammy and I are good pals," Louis explains to me. "I worked in the office as a teenager and she was my manager."

"You been in the syndicate long?" I ask.

"My whole life, technically. My dad is one of Cobalt's higher-ups. I grew up on the estate, or at least visited a lot."

"That's really cool," I appreciate his connection with me.

"Here ya are, Lou," she slides the case over to us. "Good luck tomorrow!"

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