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Zayn ended up sleeping in my room, which was completely empty. We weren't in the condition to drive him across the estate to where he was temporarily staying. The best and only spot we had was that room since I was on the couch. We tried to make him as comfortable as he could be on the floor, with blankets and pillows.

The house was quiet, albeit a bit messy too, when we came home. Louis looked absolutely smashed and was definitely ready to head to bed. That left the whole downstairs to me. I don't think Harry and I were going to be watching our show tonight. That's alright. We had a lot of fun with everyone anyway.

I settled into my couch as usual. I was tired but also not at the same time. I figured I'd just put something on and watch for a little until I was tired.

Sometimes I feel paranoid about the darkness of the house. I hate how the couch isn't flushed against the wall. I usually try to look past it and remember that I'm pretty safe. I'm on a secluded hill on an estate surrounded by guards.

It definitely did startle me, though, when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my shoulders from behind the couch. Then the familiar smell of his waning cologne calmed me. I leaned back into him, our heads touching. "I didn't forget," he mumbles with his jaw in the couch.

"I thought you went to bed," I say.

"I can't sleep," he quickly pecks my cheek.

"Me neither," I bring my arm up and place it on his. "Come sit with me." He unwraps himself from around me and sits on the couch, pulling me into him as he reclines on the corner of the sectional so that I'm laying on top of him. He was extremely comfy to lay on. I would absolutely love to sleep on him, but there's no guarantee we'll wake up before the rest of them.

Harry brushed the back of my head with his hand, the other hand resting on the small of my back. His movement sent tingles all throughout my body, calming me. I love how he just knows how to make me feel good.

"Were you serious about us making out earlier?" he nearly whispered. My eyes widen out of his view as my head is on his chest. Is that really why he came down here?

"What did I say?" I honestly don't remember.

"You said maybe later," I feel his voice reverberate in his chest, echoing in my head.

I pick my head up and look at him, "And where do you plan on doing that?"

"Here?" He flashes me a nervous smile.

"And risk someone coming out and seeing us?" I remind him. The closest-to-sober thought that I've had. I don't want him to think I'm turning him down. "Where else can we go?"

"Uhuh," he laughs, "There's my room and my car."

"Your room?" I offer and raise an eyebrow.

He sits up and I move with him, quickly with anticipation. Though once we're on our feet, we start moving slowly so that our steps don't creak the floor.

I follow him, but from a distance. He tiptoes up the stairs, scanning the hallway. We reach his room, which was already open, and he shuts the door after me.

My heart was pounding through my chest. I was in his room. This could go further than we want. I let him take the lead since it's his room.

He senses my hesitance and steps forward at me, moving slowly as to not scare me. He cups my face and tilts my head up at him. We started with one slow kiss. We took all the time in the world. Electricity fills my body and I feel myself craving more. I initiate another one with our lips still intact. My hand reach his shoulders.

Now a few kisses in, he lets out the gentlest, "hmm." It's adorable. His hands begin to wander, avoiding anywhere he's never been before. He felt my back, my waist (which he pulled me into him with).

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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