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It took me about an hour to get ready, both mentally and physically. I curled my hair and pinned it half up, half down, adoring the hair tie with a satin black bow with streams of pearls. I tried my dress on with and without the mesh sleeves, but ultimately decided on the mesh, just cutting the collar a little more so it's like a boat neckline, running along the tops of my shoulders parallel with my collarbones.

I went all out with my makeup for once, a bold, dark red lip but lighter eyeshadow to contrast the strong winged eyeliner.

My shorts from last night hadn't dried enough and I absolutely panicked. I didn't want to wear nothing but underwear underneath my dress. That's when I thanked my past self upon finding a pair of tights I was also indecisive between.

I also didn't forget my ring that Harry gave me to pose as a wedding band. I twisted it around my finger to preoccupy me as I ran through my alias in my head.

The ring also reminded me of one more piece of jewelry: the compass. I wore it as a necklace and adjusted the chain to make it a choker.

I had to pack everything else up because some of Cobalt's people were going to come in and clear it so it's back home on our escape. We're ditching the room and not coming back once we go down to the gala.

I had a moment to lay on the bed one last time. Liam wanted all of us out in the living room by 5:15. I had a quiet moment to myself, interrupted by a gentle knock on the door.

I got up to open it to see none other than Harry. He's in an all black suit, the only touch of color being the blue tie that he bought at Avery's. His hair looked almost the same, just a little bit neater to make him look a few years older. He also stopped to look at me in the hallway. He only glanced at my dress but locked eyes with me, adjusting to the appear of my made-up face.

"Hey," he sighs. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah," I respond just as breathlessly. "I was just relaxing a bit before 5:15."

"Mind if I come in with you?" I shake my head. He says, "I get anxious before these things and everyone else is still getting ready. I just don't want to be alone." He sits on the end of the bed and sinks ever so slightly.

"Harry, everything will be okay," I assure him.

"Well I know that," he forces a gentle smile as a thanks, "but no matter how much I tell myself that, I can't believe it."

"Every heist is terrifying," I say. "You just have to get more comfortable being terrified." It sounds profound and I guess in a way it is. I was feeling a rush of adrenaline before he came in, and now I'm emotionally invested in his anxiety.

In a bold attempt, not really thinking, I sat down next to him and put my hand on his back, giving a gentle rub up and down once. The silky fabric of his suit jacket allows my hand to run smoothly.

He leans into me, resting his head on my shoulder, "I'm glad you're here with us. You're the piece we've been missing. I'm just sorry I had to come into your apartment and kidnap you for us to see that."

I laugh lightly. I've long lost my grudge towards him for all that he did under Cobalt's command. "I'm over it. It's the best thing to ever happen to me."

There's that comfortable silence that I love. The world is so quiet, I can hear his chest rise and fall, and I immediately pick up on him sitting up, taking his weight off of my shoulder.

"I was actually the one who came up with the idea to take you on," he says. "Cobalt wanted me to hold you until I get all the information that I needed, but that first night, I saw how you were."

"You called me feisty."

"And you were," he reminisces, raising his head back up. "I called him that night and I begged him to let me take you in. If not for information, but to recruit you."

"Well," I simply just say, "thanks."

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