Season 1 Episode 2: Explosion

67 4 1

Date: ??/??/2008

"You know, I think that way of thinking could even be applied to the real world. Sometimes people try to do things that they're just simply not born to do." - O. R.


Date: August 6th 2017

Taking a final swig from his bottle, a man places the empty glass container down on a wooden table. On the other side of the small open room, a woman puts on a dark blue jacket, with a small nickel and brass badge attached slightly below the left shoulder. The room was deathly silent, not even the wooden floors or the damaged appliances dared to make a noise. Tripping as he took a slight step, the man watched as his wife put her dark colored hair up in a braid. "Heh, you know...they-they should just change the rule...for you. Heh, I mean...your hair looks much better down," the man said, while rubbing his recently shaved beard. 

"Oh please, dear. Everyone else thinks it better looks this way," the woman responded, slightly smiling. 

"Maybe they don't know what...what they're talking about," the man replied.

 "Mhmm, you know, you better sober up before our meeting. I mean seriously, we've had how many talks about this?" the woman questions, shooting a worried glance towards the empty bottle. 

"I'll be fine, honey. I always am," the man walked behind and hugged his wife. "Besides, you know it takes a lot more to affect me," the man smirked. 

"Oh, now you choose to be all lovey," the woman jokingly responds, placing her hand over her husband's arm. 

"You know, I didn't have this on my 2017 'Wake Up' Bingo Card," a younger voice stated from behind his parents. 

"And I wasn't expecting you to be up this early," the mother sarcastically responded, turning to face her brown-haired son.

 "What can I say, the thought of continuing to listen to whatever the hells' happening out here just seemed like borderline torture," replied the son as he walked past his parents and towards the kitchen, which was connected to the dining room. 

"Oh please, you think it's any better listening to you flirt?" the father jokingly responded.

 "That, and Language Jackson," the mother sternly chimed in.

"I thought I was special. I mean, isn't that why I was put in that stupid class?" Jackson responds with an unamused expression as he searches through the cabinets in the kitchen, hunting for something to eat.

 "Special yes, special enough to swear around your parents at the age of 13? Ehhh, no," the mother replied, fastening the belt around her waist. 

"What's the point of being special if it doesn't come with any perks?" Jackson looks down towards the ground. "Besides getting treated like a freak?" the boy mutters under his breath. 

"Swearing around your parents isn't a perk. It's a luxury of turning 18," Jackson's father remarks. 


As Isaac lies on his bed, asleep. He begins to toss and turn, his face drowning in sweat and reacting to what appeared to be a bad dream. "It's going to happen soon, Isaac." A female voice called out to the boy, her voice familiar but also echoing, as if she were far away from him in a foggy tunnel. Isaac tossed his black blanket to the ground, his body curling up. 

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