Season 1 Episode 19: An Expanded Horizon

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Date: February 8th 2018 - Night

Location: Desbine Regional Hospital

Isaac gazed up at the stars, their breathtaking beauty overpowering Desbine's artificial light.  His arms rested on the metal railing which lined the entire hospital roof. This was the first time in almost a week Isaac could leave his bed. At first, nurses and doctors alike were stunned by his rate of recovery, however they soon came to understand it. Individuals like him, individuals endowed with extraordinary powers, possessed an extraordinary capacity for healing, in addition to numerous other physical and mental enhancements.

No matter which power you possessed - be it speed, strength, levitation, or gravity manipulation - you were guaranteed these incredible benefits. That being said, Isaac's case was still unique. His body was healing far faster than Zane and other documented cases.

Isaac's eyes darted down towards the roads. For a moment, his eyes trailed cars, people, even the occasional animal. He then sighed, and his eyes became heavy. "To think," he muttered. "I thought I could beat him. I thought I could be a Hero."

Isaac shook his head, his fists clenched. "Stupid. I'm so stupid," he told himself before looking back up to the stars. Suddenly Jackson's words from months ago entered Isaac's mind. 'You're worthless, you're a pathetic failure! You're A Terrible Human Being Who Would Be Better Off Dead! That's What Society Thinks About You, So Just Go And Fucking Die Already!'

"Yeah, you're probably right," he murmured. "I failed to save anyone during the raid, I failed to stop you just under a week ago," his breath shook and wrinkles formed on his forehead under his hair. "I've been terrible to everyone. I justified it all by telling myself I had to do this in order to keep them safe but... the truth is: I was just scared." 

Isaac's head dropped, his tears reflecting the white light of the moon. "I knew I couldn't keep them safe, I knew I was pathetic. So pushing them away was the only thing I could think to do," Isaac gripped the railing, wrapping his fingers around it. "If I was stronger - like Daniel - or smarter - like James - then maybe I could've found another way. Just maybe..." he trailed off, looking down towards his right arm. Underneath his sleeves, lied something even his body couldn't heal: the permanent reminder of his failure against Flame.

For some reason, Isaac's body couldn't fully heal the damage caused by Flame. His arm, for the most part, was fine. It was still sore, and he couldn't do much with it, but it was improving with time. However, the skin that was touched by Flame was still charred and black; its texture coarse and rough.

Isaac reached with his left hand and carefully touched his right arm. At first, he winced with pain, but after a quick moment, he was used to it and kept his hand in place. "I wonder," he muttered, his eyes darting back up towards the dark sky. "Will I ever be a Hero?" 

There was a loud creek behind Isaac, signaling to him that someone had opened the door and joined him on the roof. "Hey, didn't think I'd find you up here," James laughed before walking and joining Isaac by the railing. 

"Just wanted some fresh air, I guess," Isaac said, his voice rough and lacking emotion. "Is there something you need?"

"I just wanted to know how you were doing," James said. He then turned his attention to Desbine's horizon. "Man, it sure is beautiful up here, huh?"

"Yeah, it's quite something."

James then turned and faced his, obviously pained, friend. "Seriously man, are you doing okay?"

Isaac turned his head in the direction of James, and their eyes met. "I think so, yeah," he said. He was lying and James could tell.

James sighed before looking down to the road. "I'm sorry, you know." he muttered. "Sorry for being a bad friend. Sorry for not being able to help out more during the fight," the high spirits he came up here with were gone. His eyes were narrow, his forehead tensed, and he had a knot deep within his stomach. 

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