Season 1 Episode 6: Eve Of The Attack

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"52 years on, on April 15th 1965, the Meteor, which contained the fragmented powers, hit the North American Continent. At the time, we collectively didn't understand why the rock's speed was decreasing at such at an astronomical rate once it entered the Earth's atmosphere, however looking back on it all now, I guess I have few theories."

"Originally, it was only believed the 500 people close to "Ground Zero*" were affected by the sudden mutation. However, as time went on, it became clear that that wasn't the case. Powers began occasionally springing up all over the world, however it was clear the epicenter of the 'Out Break' was right here in Desbine City itself. Now, over 35,000 people are suspected to be infected with this 'curse'." 

* Ground Zero - Nickname for the Meteorite's Landing Spot, due to the major changes it had on society, and/or fanatical 'religious' beliefs.

"It's been 1 week since my brother, Daniel, and I began the new school year at Shingek Middle School, however so much has already happened in that short amount of time." 

"It's going to happen soon, Isaac." A female voice called out to the boy, her voice familiar but also echoing, as if she were far away from him in a foggy tunnel. Isaac tossed his black blanket to the ground, his body curling up. "Protect Da-" |

"At the time, I didn't understand what any of that meant - it was all gibberish to me. However, those events would soon culminate in the attempted kidnapping of my brother." 

| Flashing sirens in the distance, a kid walking a dog on the other side of the road, two more people inside the black car, Daniel struggling in the arms of some unknown person dressed in black.  |

"Although my memory on the event is fuzzy, I know something I did saved Daniel from what was happening, and after that we returned to our normal lives. Well for the most part."

| "You're saying that the current way society thinks is wrong. I mean, taking what you said and who you asked into account makes that pretty obvious," |

"One of my classmates, Jackson, said that to our teacher, Mr. Connor. Those words have been stuck in my head. For so long I thought I was the only one who thought like that, I mean, when everyone else around you seems fine with what's going on, can you really blame me for thinking like that? Regardless, I had to know the truth, or at least, what Jackson thought of it."

| "Heh, I guess I could just show you." Jackson muttered, bringing his right arm back towards his side, before slamming his fist into Isaac's stomach, causing the boy to hunch over in pain. What the-What the hell? How does he hit that hard? Isaac thought to himself before falling to the ground, still curled in pain. |

"The conversation got heated, and I didn't really learn much from Jackson himself, however I did learn 1 inescapable truth:"

|  I'm the reason Daniel was in those situations to begin with. All our lives, Daniel has been the one to bail me out and yet...all I do is keep getting him hurt. |

"When I declared that I would no longer allow that to happen, I saw something spark off my arm. I was glued to it, I mean, how couldn't you be. Now, with a new goal in mind, I began working hard to train my body like I used to back when Daniel and I...heh, never mind, those days don't really matter. Not anymore."


Date: August 13th 2017

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