Season 1 Episode 13: Rebirth

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Date: Unknown

Scurrying through the rundown halls of Shingek Middle School, a rat made it's way past the rubble. It had been months since the last time a human stepped foot near the front lines of the Hero-Villain war, and because of that, nature chipped away at the building. Ceiling tiles lazily slouched out of frame - almost coming into contact with the chunks of debris on the floor. Rust and mold infested the lockers due to being exposed to the elements.

But, there was one place within the school that remained relatively untouched: the classroom. Although having being void of any life for months, bookbags, lunch boxes, backpacks, and other various school supplies littered the cracking floor. Outside, the red sun casted it's bright crimson shadow into the room through the window, the light splashing against the floor illuminating the walls, adding to the war-torn appearance the school now took on.

Tic...Tok... the clock cried. Although possessing no eyes, it had a front row seat of the battle waged. Now, all the device could do was slowly rotate it's arms and hands until they struck 1:13. Tic...Tok... it cried out again, and again, and again. As time slowly passed, so too did the busted hands on the sad clock. The time now read, '1:12' and soon, the desired time would come. It was only a few moments away until the clock fulfilled it's purpose. 

However, just like the building it rested in, it's objective - it's dream, would never be reached. The hands now rested a second away from 1:13, and when one of the hands made it's final move everything broke down. A gear: an essential part of the clock, finally broke down, persuading every other part to join it. The hands of the clock now uncontrollably spun backwards, unable to stop, unable to fulfil their purpose. What followed next appeared to be a laugh from God himself. The hands of the clock finally came to a rest on 10:28 - forever forced to live with their failure.


Date: October 28th 2008

Emily and Jackson rested on the couch, the latter sitting on the former's lap. Their eyes were glued to the TV screen which played a movie called, 'Sparks of Revolution' - some movie about the American War of Independence.  The boy looked around the room. Although it was dark, and he couldn't quite see anything, he could still easily recall where every bit of furniture was. "Yeah, it's pretty dark in here, huh?" His mother commented, her smile growing as her son turns to face her, "'s kinda scary." he responded as he nudged closer towards his mother.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, but your dad is gonna have a really bad headache when he gets home's better if they stay off." Emily explained, gaining a concerned look from her son, "HUH- daddy sick?!" the boy asked, his voice elevated with a worried tone. Emily lightly laughed to herself before explaining, "No, it's not that. Your dad's been drinking some really bad stuff." This explanation seemed to put the boy's mind at ease. That was until he asked another question, "Will...Daddy die if he drinks it? Is that why it's bad, Mommy?"

Their was a brief pause in the conversation, the only sound being musket and cannon fire coming from the TV. "What? No, bud!" Emily responded, her words now formulated, "Gosh, where do you get this stuff from?" she questioned, shaking her head. " said he had a headache...and well..." Jackson muttered, hiding the embarrassment he felt from getting it wrong. "Your dad will be fine, I promise." Emily stated, shooting her son a reassuring smile, which seemed to be enough for the young kid. "Let's just watch the movie, yeah?" The Mother stated, motioning towards the screen.

"But it's bad and it doesn't even sound good!" the boy whined, digging the back of his head further into the couch. "Haha, you mean the acting?" the mother easily guessed, being rewarded with a quick nod from her son. "You wanna know what I think?" Emily questioned, getting another head nod from her son. "I think the acting is fine, it's just the casting that could've been better." she stated, turning to face her son, "I think they just needed better roles." she finished. A confused look now sprang to her son's face, "Better roles?" he asked.

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