Season 1 Episode 9: A Subtle Blow In The Wind

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Date: August 6th 2009

Desbine City | Caddel Household

" What's that?" 

"A Hero is someone who never gives up. They're someone who looks after and protects everyone." 

"Is...Is that what you and Daddy were? Were you guys He...ros?" 

"I guess you could say your dad and I were Heroes, Isaac."

"Ah-Haha!" Isaac smiled in amusement. "So does that mean you and daddy beat up bad guys?!"

"Oh no, your dad and I didn't do anything special like that. We just mainly helped people with smaller things." 

"Oh...I...I see."

"What's wrong? Do our jobs not seem fun anymore?" 

"Well...its do you protect someone without beating up the bad guys?" 

"Protecting someone can mean more than just beating up the bad guys. It can mean something small like offering someone a hand when they need help or even something big like standing up to a bully for someone else. The important thing is you make your good intentions clear. So that way, other people will treat you nicely."

" do you know if things get better or if what you're doing means anything?"

"It'll take a long time to see it, but if you keep at something, and you really work hard towards it, you'll see results. They may be small and insignificant, but they show things are changing in your favor."

"Isaac, who are you talking to?" Angelica questioned with a concerned expression on her face. She entered the living room and discovered her son seated in the center of the dimly lit space.

The boy hesitantly answered, "Uhh...I...myself!" before trying to stand up.

Angelica looked around the room, noticing the only light coming from the lamp near the couch. Just what exactly is going on in here?  She contemplated for a moment as she made her way to the center of the room and extended a hand to help the boy up. She then observed as he sprinted down the hallway to his shared room with his brother. 

"First the forest...and now this," Angelica murmured. "Isaac, what's going on?" she inquired, approaching and switching off the lamp, cloaking the room in profound darkness.


Date: August 20th 2017

Desbine City | Cadel Household

With a quick turn of a knob, the sound of water slowed until only a few drips could be heard at a time. Before stepping out of the shower, Isaac grabbed a red and black towel which hung over a rail. The boy walked across the small room plagued with steam until he got to the mirror. He wiped the glass down the best he could before staring at him.

His hair, obviously wet, was covering his forehead, his bangs even beginning to creep past his eyebrows. Looking a little lower, he noticed the bags under his eyes hadn't gone away, if anything they had gotten worse. 


"It's been three days since the attack, and well...things haven't really gotten any better. Society has begun to mourn those lost and...reconstruction efforts have begun's been slow. No one wants to work, not even for money right now. Across the city, people are sticking close to their families - and I mean...who could blame them?"

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