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It was late in the evening and Juyeon has just returned home after a day out. After hours of walking and exploring the town, Juyeon was quite tired and exhausted, but he still managed to walk home with a smile on his face. That smile was likely because of the cup of coffee he had drank at the cafe during the afternoon, which he was still feeling its pleasant effects. The mysterious worker had made the cup of coffee he drank at the cafe, and Juyeon had been drawn to the worker's scent and their laugh. It was an unforgettable experience.

"You're home. Were you go out for a walk?" asked his mate, Kevin.

"I'm home, Kevin. Yes. I was taking a walk" said Juyeon.

"Good. I thought I might see you sitting at the sofa watching tv when I get home but never thought you would go out" said Kevin.

"Yeah. I thought the sky look clear and it a waste for not go out for a walk" said Juyeon.

Kevin giggle before he saw a cup on Juyeon hand.

"What did you buy?" asked Kevin and point at the cup.

"Oh, I saw a cafe and I thought maybe I'll have a tried. The coffee is taste good" said Juyeon and give to Kevin.

Kevin took the cup of coffee from Juyeon, and took a sip. The coffee might have been cooled down, but the taste was still delicious and it had not diminished in quality.

"Oh my god. The taste is really good even though the coffee already cold" said Kevin.

"Right? By the taste of it, I think the coffee beans he used it is just the same. Maybe the way how he prepare the coffee" said Juyeon.

"I agree. This is delicious coffee I ever taste. Take me there when you have time later" said Kevin.

"Sure. I also plan to take you and the others too. What were you doing? Dinner?" asked Juyeon.

"Yes. Wanna help?" asked Kevin.

"Let me wash my hand first" said Juyeon and walk to the sink to wash hand.

Haknyeon served the food on the table, and Mr. Kim was still amazed at seeing all the food in front of him. It was quite a lot of food, and Mr. Kim was impressed by the variety and amount that was available. He felt overwhelmed and didn't know where to begin with the food, but he was thankful for the variety. Mr. Kim was very thankful for the meal and appreciated the work that Haknyeon had put into cooking for him.

"I'm still amaze how good your food is" said Mr. Kim.

"The doctor has told you to take care of your diet. So, I prepared food according to the description that the doctor ordered" said Haknyeon.

"But it still a lot of food you make it. I'm really thankful to you, Haknyeon" said Mr. Kim.

"And this"

Haknyeon placed an apple pie on the table, and Mr. Kim was quite excited to see it. He wanted to take it and enjoy the pie, but before he could, Haknyeon quickly slapped his hand and stopped him.

"You just have a slice" said Haknyeon.

Mr. Kim pout.

"You can't eat too much sugar or your blood sugar will rise" said Haknyeon.

"You really act like my dead wife. She always do something like you do" said Mr. Kim.

"... I'm sorry if suddenly asking this question. How did she die?" asked Haknyeon carefully.

Mr. Kim smile.

"She was sick. Really sick. Before we even married, she already sick. When we planned to get married, both sides of our family did not agree, especially my wife's side. They are afraid that I can't take care of her and worry about our happiness"

Finding a New PathOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz