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Haknyeon woke up from his slumber and noticed that the cafe was dark. He wasn't sure how long he had been asleep, but it must have already been night by that point. The cafe seemed quiet and he couldn't hear anything but his own breathing.

He feel something warm on his arm and he is leaning on someone.

"You're awake"

Haknyeon look and see Juyeon beside him.

"J-Juyeon hyung" called Haknyeon.

"How do you feel right now?" asked Juyeon and rub his cheek with his thumb.

"... Were you been here all the time?" asked Haknyeon.

Juyeon nodded.

"I can't bear to leave you alone. After listening to the news Mr. Kim died" said Juyeon.

Tears start flowing again.

"Now I'm alone. Again" said Haknyeon.

"No. You're not alone" said Juyeon.

Haknyeon shook his head.

"I don't have anyone now. I can't believe Mr. Kim is dead. Now I'm alone. I don't want to be alone" said Haknyeon.

"Hey. Hey. Look at me"

Juyeon grab Haknyeon chin and slowly pull to his gaze.

"You're not alone. You have me here. With you" said Juyeon.

He wipe Haknyeon's tears.

"I won't leave you alone" said Juyeon.

"Hiks... You won't?" asked Haknyeon.

Juyeon shook.

"I won't and I promise" said Juyeon.

Haknyeon was very moved and hugged Juyeon.

"Please. Don't leave me alone. I don't want to be alone" said Haknyeon.

"I won't, Haknyeon. Don't worry" said Juyeon.

Haknyeon crying again.

Juyeon and Haknyeon arrive at the apartment. They walk out from the lift at the fourth floor. Before Juyeon open the door, Haknyeon grab his sleeve.

"It is okay? Is your pack okay for me to be here?" asked Haknyeon.

Juyeon grab his hand and give him assure smile.

"Don't worry. They won't. Trust me" said Juyeon.

He open the door and walk inside.

"Juyeon ah! Where have you been? It almost 10 o'clock" said Changmin.

"We were so worried. You didn't even pick up the call at all" said Jacob.

"I'm sorry. My battery died" said Juyeon.

"Who is he?" asked Kevin.

Haknyeon feel fidgeting when all eyes looked at him.

"Haknyeon hyung?" called Sunwoo.

"It is Haknyeon hyung! What happened? You look so mess" said Eric worried.

"Eric ah... Sunwoo ah..."

"Sangyeon hyung. I'm sorry for suddenly bring him here but can you let him stay here for a night? He doesn't want to go home since he's alone" said Juyeon.

Sangyeon look at Haknyeon. He can sense how afraid and frustrate he is. See him like that Sangyeon nodded approval.

"Thank you. Eric. Sunwoo. Can you take care of him?" asked Juyeon.

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