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Juyeon was back at home after he had spent the night at the hospital. Haknyeon was still in the hospital too, being monitored by the doctors until his pheromone levels had decreased and he was back to normal. It was a scary situation and Juyeon was relieved to be home and to see that Haknyeon was being taken care of in the hospital. He hadn't expected things to happen the way that they did and he was feeling a bit shaken and disturbed by the whole thing.

Jacob and Younghoon were advised to take some time off from work because they were still feeling the effects of the omega pheromones. The doctors said that they should take some time to rest and try to relax and take care of themselves. They needed to let their bodies recover and they needed to take care of their mental health as well. It was a stressful situation and they needed some time to process things and to get back to normal.

"How do you feel?" asked Eric and hand them a cup of hot tea.

"Still shaken but I'm alright" said Younghoon.

"Me too" said Jacob.

Then, Eric look down feeling bad. He thought it was his fault this happened.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't pay attention to close the door first before go out. If I close the door properly, this won't happened" said Eric down.

When they checked the CCTV footage of the building, they found out how the stranger had managed to get inside the house. They saw that Eric hadn't properly closed the door and the stranger had managed to catch it before it closed completely.

"It's not your fault, Eric. Don't blame yourself" said Changmin and tried to calm Eric.

"I'm sorry"

They knew Eric is really felt bad that all this happen to Haknyeon. He felt guilty and responsible and he wished that things had gone differently.

"It's all already happened. Don't keep that mistake for too long. I'm sure Haknyeon doesn't want you like this" said Changmin.

Eric just nodded.

"Are you still feel dizzy, Juyeon?" asked Hyunjae.

"Just a bit. I'll be alright" said Juyeon.

"I hope Haknyeon hyung will recover soon" said Sunwoo.

Changmin patted Sunwoo's back.

"I'm sure he will. Kevin is there with him. He will take care of Haknyeon" said Changmin.

'How did that happened?'

Sangyeon is at the rooftop, talking with Dongho through phone.

"It seems like the guy been observe us. We also discover he's the one that chase Haknyeon the other night" said Sangyeon.

In addition to the CCTV in the apartment, he also asked to see the CCTV in the cafe area where Haknyeon worked. He saw on the CCTV that the stranger who had been chasing Haknyeon before was on the cameras. The stranger had been following Haknyeon and they probably had been watching him for a long time, and no one knew about it. It was a worrying situation and it made them all feel very vulnerable knowing that this stranger had been following and watching Haknyeon for so long and they hadn't noticed anything.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do next. We still don't know who is this man is and what his purpose to Haknyeon" said Sangyeon.

'I'll try to get this case on my hand. How Haknyeon?'

"The doctor said he will be fine. He just need to be in the hospital for a few days until his pheromone reduce. I'm sorry. I did promise you to protect him but now this happened" said Sangyeon felt bad.

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