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Haknyeon was eating the porridge and it was warm in his throat and his stomach. The warmth of the porridge was comforting and it helped him to feel a little better. It was also giving him some calories and it was a good thing that he was eating.

He was hoping that he wouldn't throw up the food he was eating because he wanted to eat and keep the food inside of him. He needed the energy and the nutrients so he hoped that his body would keep it in his system. He was also feeling nauseous so he was a little worried that he might not be able to keep it in him. He was just hoping things would be okay.

The others sat around him and they wanted to make sure that he ate and he wasn't starving himself. They wanted him to feel better and to heal and they wanted what's best for him.

"How is it?" asked Jacob.

"It's good. Thank you" said Haknyeon.

"I'm sorry you couldn't eat anything else, Haknyeon" said Chanhee.

"It's okay. I can't eat anything else other than porridge and soup" said Haknyeon.

"Do you want some ice cream after this? I just brought it" said Hyunjae.

"It is okay to eat ice cream while I'm sick?" asked Haknyeon.

"You can if you want to. Just don't eat too much" said Kevin.

"Then, I'll take it" said Haknyeon.

After eating, Haknyeon ate ice cream with the others. This was a good treat for him and the ice cream helped to soother his throat from the heat he felt. The ice cream was also cold and refreshing which made Haknyeon feel better. He enjoyed it and it was a good thing after eating hot food. Eating food for him was a process so the ice cream helped to cool him down since he had been feeling nauseous. He liked it and he felt a little better.

He had been sick for almost three days now and he was slowly getting better with the help of his mates. They were taking care of him and making sure that he ate and that he was staying in bed. They were looking out for him and they were trying to make him better and help him to get well.

The food and the bed rest were helping him to gain back his strength and to heal properly. He was feeling a little bit better and he was grateful for the help and the care that everyone was giving him.

The work at the cafe had completely been handed over to Jungmin and Jeongmin while Haknyeon was sick. They were running the place in his absence and he felt bad that he couldn't do it himself. He was happy to see that they were taking over and he was glad to know that the cafe was running smoothly.

He felt slightly guilty for letting Jungmin and Jeongmin take over the cafe but he knew that the twins were capable of managing the place. They were doing a great job and he knew that they would be able to handle everything on their own. It was a good thing and he was grateful to have them working at the café.

For the time being, Haknyeon needed a lot of rest to restore his energy. He was recovering from being sick and his energy was weakened so he needed to get better and stay in bed so that he could heal properly. Everyone understood and they knew that he was weak and that he needed to be taken care of. They were making sure that he would get the proper rest he needed. They wanted him to get well again and they wanted to help him get back on his feet.

"Are you tired?" asked Sunwoo.

"Do you want to lay down in the room?" asked Changmin.

"It's okay. I want to stay here with you guys" said Haknyeon while lay down on Juyeon.

Juyeon wrap his hand on Haknyeon's shoulder and let Haknyeon lay on him.

Haknyeon thought about how he had told Sangyeon about what had happened to him. It had been three days already and they hadn't said anything about it. It was like they were keeping it a secret for him and it was for his sake. He felt a little better that they were being considerate of him and he was grateful for the way they were treating the situation. He was still recovering from his illness and he appreciated that they weren't pressing the issue.

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