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The next day, Haknyeon came back to the cafe. It was the cafe that used to belong to Mr. Kim and now it belonged to him. He had the key and he was going back there to either reopen the cafe or to check on it. He knew that that place meant a lot to Mr. Kim and he wanted to make sure that the cafe was still functioning properly and that nothing bad happened to it. This was like his way of paying tribute to Mr. Kim.


Haknyeon opened the door to the cafe and he saw that everything was dusty and dirty. It had probably been closed for some time, so he decided that he needed to clean it before he could reopen it. He was probably planning to reopen the cafe and he wanted to make sure that it was clean and comfortable for the customers. He was definitely going to work hard to clean it and make it a pleasant place again.

"Okay. Let's get started"

Haknyeon started by dusting the tables and sweeping the floor to remove all the dust and dirt that had built up. Then he mopped the floor to make it look clean and fresh again. He also made sure to clean the counter and to clean the coffee machine. He was working hard to make the cafe clean and welcoming again so that it could open and welcome customers.

Haknyeon clean everything in the cafe by himself and he didn't feel tired at all. He was very enthusiastic and eager to get everything clean and to see the cafe return to its previous glory. He was probably proud of himself for taking care of the café and he would be happy to see it open again.

He was doing this not just for himself, but also in honor of Mr. Kim's memory. It might have been a way for him to cope with his grief and to channel his emotions into something constructive and productive.

Haknyeon was cleaning under the counter, so he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings. That meant he didn't notice that someone had entered the cafe. He was probably too focused on the work he was doing to notice anything else.

Someone came to the counter and called him.


Haknyeon was startled and then bump his head.


"Are you okay?" asked the person and patted Haknyeon's head.

"Chanhee hyung?"

He shock to see Chanhee came to the cafe.

"What are you doing here?" asked Haknyeon.

"I thought I came to help you cleaning the cafe but I see you already clean most of it" said Chanhee.

"Yes. I'm almost done cleaning" said Haknyeon.

"That was fast" said Chanhee.

He look around the cafe.

"But the cafe need a transformation. This kind of style is already lack of trend" said Chanhee.

"I don't know what to do and just intend to just let it be" said Haknyeon.

"Then, let me handle the decoration" said Chanhee.

"You will?" asked Haknyeon.

"Of course. I will make sure this cafe will be popular" said Chanhee.

"I don't have that intention to be popular" said Haknyeon.

"You have to, Haknyeon. In this area, there's a lot of popular cafe and it might affect your business. The customer must know about this cafe so you can competing with other cafes" said Chanhee.


Haknyeon knew that he would need to learn a lot about business and running a cafe. He was eager to learn and he wanted to make sure that the cafe was run properly and that the customers were satisfied. He wanted to make sure that it was a successful business so that Mr. Kim's legacy could continue. He was going to work hard to learn everything he needed to learn so that the business could succeed and flourish.

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