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Haknyeon woke up and found himself alone in the living room. He noticed that there was now a blanket on top of him which he hadn't put there himself. He was a bit confused by the blanket and wasn't sure how it had gotten there, but he was glad that it was there to ensure that he stayed comfortable as he rested.

Haknyeon sniffed the blanket out of curiosity and he noticed that the scent of daisy was coming from it. He knew that the blanket had been placed over him by someone else, and he wondered who it could have been.

"Hey, you're awake"

Haknyeon jolt and see Kevin.

"K-Kevin hyung"

"Is my scent smell good?" asked Kevin.

Haknyeon blush.

"Is this your blanket?" asked Haknyeon shy.

"Yes. It's mine. You were sound asleep and give you the blanket so you won't catch a cold" said Kevin.

"Thank you" said Haknyeon still trying to avoid his gaze.

"Why are you avoiding me? Is it because I caught you sniffing the blanket?" asked Kevin teased.

Haknyeon become more blush. Kevin laugh to see Haknyeon's red cheek.

"I don't mind you sniffing it. I like to see you sniffing my things" said Kevin.

"Please stop it, hyung" said Haknyeon.

"Ha ha ha. Okay"

"What time is it now?" asked Haknyeon.


"2PM?! I been sleeping that long?" asked Haknyeon suprise.

"Yeah. You were sound asleep that I can't bear to wake you up. I admit. You look cute when you sleeping" said Kevin.

Haknyeon feel more dizzy after Kevin been compliment him over and over.

"Please, hyung. I can't bear it anymore" said Haknyeon embarresed.

Kevin just laugh.

"Since you awake, do you want to eat? You're skipping breakfast this morning" said Kevin.

Haknyeon can feel his stomach is grumbling.

"Yes. I'm hungry" said Haknyeon.

It had been three days since Haknyeon had arrived at the house and he felt like he was being taken care of by the others who lived there. He was grateful for the kindness and affection that he had received and he appreciated the attention they had given him. There had been so much stress and worry over the past few days and he was finally able to relax and be taken care of. He was starting to settle into the house and he felt like he was part of the family now.

The others in the house always asked him what he wanted to eat or if he needed anything bought for him. Most of the time Haknyeon would say that he didn't need anything, since he already got his things from Mr. Kim's house. The house was going to be given to Mr. Kim's relatives so he had been able to take his things back. He was very appreciative of the kindness of everyone in the house and he was grateful for the help that he was receiving.

Haknyeon was still looking for a new job since he knew that he wouldn't be able to work at Mr. Kim's café anymore. He needed to find a job quickly so that he could earn money and afford to find a house to rent. He didn't want to burden or disturb the others in the house since he knew that they already had their own issues and problems. Having a place to stay and being taken care of was already a lot of help, so he didn't want to cause any trouble by asking for more.

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