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The Omegas all knew that taking care of Haknyeon while he was in heat was a very challenging thing to do. Besides just trying to assist him, they also had to try and convince him to eat and make sure that he stayed healthy during this time. Haknyeon was very moody and depressed, so they had to try and encourage him to take care of himself. He was also feeling extremely weak for no particular reason, and that was something that the Omegas had to take care of as well.

"Is he throw up again?" asked Sunwoo when he bring a new bowl to Eric.

"Yes. It not even 10 minutes after he ate the porridge" said Eric.

"I'm worried. I never see any Omega this bad while in heat" said Sunwoo.

"Neither do I. Thank for the bowl by the way" said Eric and walk into the room again.

Sunwoo walk back to living room.

"How is he?" asked Juyeon.

"Bad. Everytime he eat he will throw it all out again" said Sunwoo.

"We need to think something that can help him. I can't bear to see him like that" said Changmin worried.

"I'll try call Wonwoo and ask one of his mates something about herbal tea" said Sangyeon and stand up to make a call.

Sangyeon heard from a friend that some herbal tea might be good for Haknyeon during his heat. He quickly decided to act and he went to the supermarket to buy the necessary ingredients. When he returned, he made the tea in a pot and started to prepare it. He didn't want to waste any time and he wanted to make sure that Haknyeon got the tea as soon as possible. The tea was meant to help and provide some relief to Haknyeon's heat, and Sangyeon wanted to make sure that Haknyeon got the best care possible.

He brought the pot to Haknyeon's room and knock the door. Younghoon open the door.

"Hey. I make a herbal tea for Haknyeon. I thought this might help him" said Sangyeon.

"Thank you"

Younghoon took the pot from Sangyeon and brought it over to the bed that Haknyeon was lying on. Haknyeon was still laying down and he was still holding Eric's plushie. He looked like he was still tired and depressed from his emotions and the heat. Younghoon was bringing the tea to Haknyeon so that he could drink it and hopefully feel better.

"Hey, Haknyeon. I brough tea for you. Do you think you can drink it?" asked Younghoon.

Haknyeon's eyes opened as he saw Younghoon holding a pot in his hand. He shook his head in an attempt to refuse the tea that Younghoon wanted to give him.

"You need to drink it. Sangyeon hyung make this for you" said Younghoon.

Haknyeon heard Sangyeon make the tea in the kitchen and he felt guilty if he refused to drink it. So he slowly sat up in bed and seemed more willing to do what the Omegas wanted him to do. He felt really exhausted and tired and he probably just wanted to listen to them and take their advice. He was not in the right head space to make the best decisions and that was making everything difficult for them.

Younghoon poured the tea into a cup and walked over to Haknyeon, who was now sitting up in bed. He offered the tea to Haknyeon, and Haknyeon took a sniff of the tea. He seemed curious about it and he finally decided to give it a try. He took a sip of the tea and started to feel the effects of it. Maybe this tea would help him get through his heat, so he was willing to try it.

"How is it?" asked Younghoon.

"It good" said Haknyeon.

Younghoon was relieved to see that Haknyeon was able to drink the tea. Haknyeon took his time and finished drinking the entire cup, which was good because the effects of the tea might start to improve his overall mood and help him relax. Younghoon took the cup back and he was happy that his efforts hadn't gone in vain. He looked at Haknyeon to see if maybe the tea is already making him feel better and more relaxed.

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